Just In
for Naruto's ABC's and L's

6/12/2019 c11 Matt
Could you also tell us the names of anyone who adopts one/more of your stories so we'll be able to tell who adopted them?
3/23/2019 c11 2iamgoku
Not going to lie and say this isn't disappointing, but I understand were you're coming from. Wish you luck with your new works.
9/6/2013 c6 Guest
Love it! continue with it please! :D
8/4/2013 c1 8Leo-Novum
Your story is bad and you should feel bad.
7/14/2012 c4 nathikatathika
funny we like! *_* -n&t
4/3/2012 c3 Anonymous
Well i have just finished reading all three chapters of this little side story and i have to say that THIS IS ABSOLUTELY THE MOST ADORABLE THING I HAVE EVER READ IN THE HISTORY OF EVER! I love reading about L's struggles through parenthood and I find your story to be very unique. You are also able to creatively come up with humorous situations between our two protagonists that leave me in fits of giggles. Keep up the good work!
3/27/2012 c3 Oranges FTW
Aw, so cute. By the way, I got the reference... ^w^
1/14/2012 c2 3Savantageous
Another chapter=complete daawwwwww moments.

Your depiction of an infantile Naruto was spot on and I cracked a big grin when I read L's reaction to the moment when Naruto introduced his face to the cake.

2 letters down, 24 more to go.

I can't wait to see what you have in store for later.
1/13/2012 c2 18KitsuneandNaruto
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww... How adorable! I love it!
1/12/2012 c1 3Savantageous
This is freaking hilarious.

I hope you can keep shoveling out the funny, because I definitely want to see more.

Naruto's energy vs. L's brilliant mind.

12/3/2011 c1 18KitsuneandNaruto
Awwwwwwwww... Cute! I love this! Little Naruto has ADHD and no one knows what it is. Oh, L doesn't know what he's into. ^.^ I wonder if L secretly likes taking care of the little baby...? But this is adorable...

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