Just In
for Hero

12/3/2011 c1 36francis2
Joe White has a lover - I love this! Poor old Joe deserves some loving. This Horace is awful. Can't wait to read more.
12/2/2011 c1 20Wolf-007
This story is really well done! I like how it's a complete circle even though the plot itself is not linear. Characters were great and in character.I really like the character of Fiona. Sequel or more in this universe please?
12/2/2011 c1 69Shakespeare's Lemonade
This is a very interesting story for several reasons. First off, it's not like anything else out there. It's not something I would have thought of or expected to see, so many points for originality.

I also loved how you got into Joe's head and made him a more developed character for us. I like that we get to see how he thinks.

Finally, I think you've done a great job in crafting a believable original character. She has a back story, a life, but it's not so in your face that we get tired of her.

The only thing I wasn't sure of was her actual age. I picture her in her 30s from what you described. I like that she's not interested in men her own age. As a 20-something, neither am I.

I really hope you continue with this. Great job!

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