Just In
for Absence

1/5/2014 c8 quinn101
like it love it
1/5/2014 c7 quin101
1/5/2014 c6 quin101
very impressed
1/5/2014 c5 Guest
your awsome and a great writer
1/5/2014 c4 quinn101
so cute in the end
1/5/2014 c3 quinn101
so sad well have to keep reading
1/5/2014 c1 quinn101
love it so far you should make other stories some time your a great writer
1/5/2014 c1 quinn101
4/30/2013 c10 mlordmlady
I started reading this fic when I still didn't have a fanfiction account, and now that I have one, I still go back to this story for inspiration. This was beautifully crafted, congratulations!
1/8/2012 c10 8catchmeonfiree
asdfghjkl. I only just started reading this, but I wish I could've started sooner! What Quinn did was purdy selfish, but I'm glad everything worked in the end. It was just so fluffy and sweet and everything that RIB don't put into Fabrevans for the next episode. T.T If only you could be a writer for Glee. That would be so awesome! ;D
1/7/2012 c10 RJRRAA

Amazing! Im going to miss reading this story!

I loved it!
1/7/2012 c10 Mandy Hale
I loved this story sooooo much!
1/7/2012 c10 abby
Are you going to continue with finding enchantment?
1/7/2012 c10 3quam314159
Such a great way to end this story! I really enjoyed it! Please keep on writing! Your writing is fantastic!:)
1/7/2012 c10 12Readingtoomuch
Ah, I love how this story came full circle; it started when they were each about as low as they could get, and then ended with them happy and established, a wonderful family and what not. I admit, the idea of them as grandparents was somewhat difficult for me to wrap my head around, but I really do enjoy the thought of Sam spoiling a little baby! A great story!
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