Just In
for Fluff

5/15/2024 c11 19lightchaser
At first, I was a bit reluctant to read this story since I'm not exactly a cat person... but I'm glad I read it because I loved it! It was heartwarming and I love this side of Kate. I'm going to read the sequel next
6/1/2023 c10 caskettB
This is such a beautiful story. I’m not a cat person and even I can’t help falling in love with Minnie.. and the other two main characters in this story hehe Thank you!
10/7/2021 c1 Thefuturemrscaskett
This was so cute and exactly what I look for in a good fic. Well done. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series.
10/7/2021 c1 Thefuturemrscaskett
Awe, I loved this. So sweet and cute.
1/12/2021 c11 Dystopian-Js
I read this story when it was first published chapter by chapter. It still holds up almost 10 years later. Thank you for taking me back.
12/1/2020 c1 41BattlesNotVictories
Kate is without a doubt a cat person and I loveeeee her little furball. This fic always makes me smile :)
12/17/2018 c11 1Blong3302
I enjoyed this very much. Full of Caskett goodness. Loved it!
10/6/2018 c9 29CharacterDriven
Am I a completely sentimental sap that I love this simple nothing-happens story about two people drinking hot chocolate and playing with a kitten? yes? well sue me. I love it.
9/9/2018 c11 6Hazmatt
Great story! I really enjoyed it! Absolutely adorable!
4/9/2018 c1 PetalPrincess01
Amazing Multi-Chapter.
You're an awesome writer.
10/19/2017 c11 Guest
Re-reading this

This beautiful story still makes my heart tighten with so much feels


guuuuuuhhhhhh *clawing my heart *




and i love it




2/18/2017 c11 gkregan
I absolutely adored this story! You captured Beckett and Castle's voices perfectly! Sorry it took me more than five years to find your story. Thank you so much for sharing!
12/7/2016 c10 lovemycastle
love so much!
5/16/2016 c11 Lokken.8
Lovely serving of fluff, than you for sharing it!
3/28/2016 c11 Guest
Best. Fanfic. Ever
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