Just In
for The Promise

9/3/2022 c9 russia2774
more updates please loving it so far
1/28/2015 c9 russia2774
More please love it
7/4/2013 c9 57Amulet Misty
Again - oh my goshness James and Lenya are so damn cute. But argh, the promise...noo Lenya, fiiight it. Tash. Write the next chapter. Please!
7/3/2013 c6 Amulet Misty
Gosh, Dimitri and Rose are so damn cute together ;-; seriously. Having both Dimitei and Tasha's POVs right next to each other was done really well, since they hate each othe. Well Tasha doesn't hate him (kinda) but you know what I mean.

I also need to mention my like for Ivan and Lenya's family feud. X3 and Lenya x James ftwww.
7/3/2013 c4 Amulet Misty
Lenya, Nousky and Chris have such awesome teamwork. I love the way you write combat, it's all very fluid and it seems natural. I wish I could so thay x3

And then the letters comes with what the title is kn about. Dun dun dun.
7/3/2013 c2 Amulet Misty
Re-reading your story ftw. I don't know if I ever told you that I really like Lenya's character. She is such an awesome bad-ass. Woot. And the cliffhanger you put here was really nicely done. I would have kiiiilled if I didn't already know the next chapter is up.
3/2/2013 c3 5dpower
Only one question at this point wouldn't Christian be the King if Lissa is Queen? Prince would be their son. And that little interaction with James was interesting something to think about using later in the story?
3/2/2013 c2 dpower
Hey in the sencond section first sentence isnt it supposed to be she tells chris not James bc James is the jerk. :s
1/31/2013 c9 kaykay666
Ahhhhh this is so good! Please continue!
1/3/2013 c9 Kay1a
keep going it is getting really good! i love your plot! keep updating, and soon!
8/10/2012 c8 1Miss T writing
cumpulsion... how come only ivan and christian have figured out who lenya's mother was... anyhow great story cant wait for the next chapter
8/10/2012 c8 1Vampire academy loverxxx
U need 2 write more
6/28/2012 c7 2Yvonne May
Oh my goodness, I CAN'T wait till the ball! I hope it's juicy! Update soon!
6/17/2012 c1 sage2424
This might sound total dense, but i thought there were more than 6 chapters already.
5/5/2012 c1 1chey7910
Great story so far:)
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