Just In
for Six of a Kind

8/2/2018 c16 19Goshenite45
I’m glad that isn’t me,or should I be doing that too?lol
10/27/2017 c27 57FlightfootKeyseeker
I LOVE your Davis and TK banter, it’s just really, really nice.
10/27/2017 c22 FlightfootKeyseeker
Oh, this was great. I just love seeing TK and Davis cooperate. They tend to be at each other’s throats in the show.
10/27/2017 c21 FlightfootKeyseeker
Oh man, I love this friendship! It’s so great to see the three of them coordinating to cover for TK! Especially Davis and TK’s.
10/27/2017 c20 FlightfootKeyseeker
Oh man, this is great! Why wouldn’t TK just go back to his apartment, though? Distance doesn’t seem to matter when it comes to portals.
10/27/2017 c13 FlightfootKeyseeker
Because Davis is really lucky?
10/27/2017 c11 FlightfootKeyseeker
That was adorable. Also, Monster trucks are a great subject of conversation!
10/27/2017 c5 FlightfootKeyseeker
I LOVE this idea, and the Donkey Madness was a nice touch!
8/16/2014 c27 Celaj15
I like the intentional/unintentional Dragon Ball Z reference.
3/31/2013 c27 9Insanity0Rocks0My0Socks
This whole story is so precious and adorable and sweet and I loved every moment of reading it! So cute! Great job on this. Absolutely the best story I have read in a while.
12/28/2012 c27 4jadedolphin
I just started reading this today, and was so enthralled with it that I couldn't stop until I got to the end. It makes me sad that there are only 26 letters in the alphabet...

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this, as I am not normally a fan of drabble stories, but your ideas were inspired. It was a real huge plus that you gave my favorite character a lot of face time; poor Ken doesn't often get the spotlight the way he did in this. Also, I'm glad that you hate Yolei as much as I do, so there weren't a lot of stories centered on her.

All in all this is probably the best fanfiction of its nature that I have ever come across! Thanks for writing it :)
12/24/2012 c27 2teamcan
This was fun to read. Great work!
7/17/2012 c14 1Violet woodwind
Good job, you manage to include everyone in this chapter.
Personally, I think Cody's one goes well with TK. I don't know why, but I think TK is the one that bottles his emotions up. Probably just my imaginations.
Got to keep on reading!
4/18/2012 c27 43EmD23
Zelda. YES!

Great story overall. I really liked your portrayal of everyone here in this last piece.
4/18/2012 c27 18crestoflight3
Amazingly cute ending to an amazingly cute...and good...story. If I knew the proper way to squeal, I would be right now. As it is, I'll settle for smiling like an idiot at this story for a while...
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