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for Origins

4/1/2015 c1 jaconda
Gallifrey is the planet's name. It doesn't mean "lord over time", and as for being from Earth...
12/5/2014 c1 8IsaBean
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! I wish this was a series! It was sooooo perfect!
8/18/2014 c1 19Little Doctor
6/27/2014 c1 daniel
Gallifrey is most definitely not an Earth word, and it doesn't mean "Lord over time", it's the name of the planet. It's inhabitants are actually called Gallifreyans.
6/26/2014 c1 daniel
To believe this, you have to ignore everything we've ever been told about Gallifrey.
6/22/2014 c1 Cookiemonsta2001
Wow just wow
2/11/2014 c1 jaconda
Do you know when we first saw Gallifrey? 1969.
1/2/2014 c1 1Professional Noob
Very Clever, would love to see this as a full story with multiple chapters, but I understand not everyone has the time or interest to do that. still a great concept
9/29/2013 c1 sil
In order for this to make sense you have to ignore everything about Gallifrey since 1969.
9/25/2013 c1 2ObsessiveReader1223
You just broke my brain! Oh my goodness! I think this is one of the greatest ideas I've ever seen! Head canon totally accepted! I will be sending this fic around! Thank you soooo much for writing this! I don't even know what else to say, besides WOW! :D
6/23/2013 c1 azathoth
Gallifrey and the Time Lords first appeared in 1969. Rassilon and Omega were first mentioned in 1973. If you ignore everything we've been told since, yes, this makes sense.
5/28/2013 c1 37Brown hair and eyes
My mind just exploded slightly. Wow. You thought of this? Wow. (And the thing is- it could be true...)
5/17/2013 c1 HBregalad
Nifty idea. Awesome twist at the end!
4/27/2013 c1 nyarlarthotep
All of the Doctor Who characters named here predate Ender's Game.
4/11/2013 c1 mavic chen
Makes sense. If you completely ignore every we've been told about Gallifrey, that is.
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