Just In
for Life's a Journey

8/16/2014 c6 Celaj15
This reminds me of the Hangover without the drugs... and the alcohol. OK its just the monkey. lol but its cute.
12/15/2011 c5 4Lucre Jaq
Ho, the monkey going to bring the whole group next time? Heh, I wonder how TK would handle that...

And are the digimon going to show up at all, or is this exclusively the boys?
12/13/2011 c4 Lucre Jaq
You doing a good job on portraying the boy's unique personalities. Will be waiting for the next update
12/13/2011 c4 1Kanamiko
I'm really enjoying this so far. Keep it up.
12/10/2011 c2 4Lucre Jaq
Heh, I always pictured it as the opposite, with TK the early riser and Davis the one sleeping in. But then works here since I can't imagine TK being the one barging in on Davis like that...

I'm enjoying this, keep it up!
12/9/2011 c1 Lucre Jaq
Hrm...I wonder what they're gonna get into on the road...

Update soon!

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