Just In
for Harry Potter and the Final Push

10/14 c5 Kujukala
the end ist fucking hypocrisy and she knows it. such things are annoying
7/18/2023 c7 Ohma
" kill because someone was jealous of her"

you're making light of it, it's not just because "jealous of her" they literally tried to kill him.

fucking hell
6/2/2023 c37 Aquoria
I am liking this story plot a lot :) I hope you didn’t abandon it as if you did that would be a pity for a true masterpiece.
7/13/2022 c5 Albwin
"Obviously the spell was a very Dark one"
All it was described as doing was shove him against a wall... how is that dark? Did I miss a memo? Is a hard shove now considered in the same class as Sectumsempra?

The entire inner monologue of Hermione at the end comes off as insight into the mind of a maniac. All of it is giant warning signs to stay far away from her.
-Harry could have gotten caught by the wizard Mafia, that she has no evidence of whatsoever. Paranoid. Delusional.
-Getting mad at Ginny for her seeming respect of Harry's freedom of choice and action, in letting him tell Hermione himself? Possessive. Disgusting.
-"The problem is that Ginny now realized that she didn't really want to with Harry and she still did nothing to help Hermione, other than pointing out something that Harry should have already known" Harry /didn't/ know though, so it was very helpful. Ungrateful. Bad friend.
-"she had to punish him. The best way to do that would be to ignore his letter for a few days and let him dangle from the end of the string. She would let him know how it felt to not be told something important." Toxic as a rain forest frog.
How old is this idiot again? Is she 12? This is concentrated middle-school tit-for-tat relationship cancer. Lasting adult relationships don't have punishments or score-keeping; anyone who does nonsense like that is absolutely toxic and will never keep a healthy long-term relationship. Drop her like a hot potato the first time she pulls nonsense like that Harry, she's poison.
-"she knew that it was safe for her to love him now" Implying she didn't love him before. Implying her love has conditions. Implying it can be easily lost if he is no longer 'safe'. Horrifying.

The whole story comes off as an off-hours D-list soap opera, manufacturing nonsense just for the sake of drama. I'm not some emotional vampire-like Hermione evidently is-that enjoys pointless drama, so I'm out.
3/4/2022 c6 god eater
why would you even let him kiss tonks she's literally older than him and for what? drama? very weird to cause one just because he was horny lol
3/4/2022 c4 god eater
lol draco thinks he's a hero in all of this what a dick head
8/7/2021 c37 jamyj30
I am enjoying this story and look forward to more!
8/4/2021 c1 25stevem1
I like the start of this story. One critique is that the conversations or thoughts about Harry/Ginny feels weird. Ron actually thinks about Ginny as Harry’s ‘respite’? Harry actually tells Ron she’s trying to have sex with him so they’d have to get married? They’re playing tongue wrestling in the Great Hall and not a single teacher says anything? It seems strange.
7/22/2021 c37 2willam and jack and jake
7/2/2021 c24 4ArgentRoseSableWolf
I'm sorry, but this chapter made this fic totally jump the shark. It's had problems up until now, characters acting wildly inconsistent from chapter to chapter, but this was just over the top. Wizarding Britain is at war with Voldemort, openly and directly, and we're supposed to believe that Umbridge can publicly support him and no one can step in and stop her? That's flat-out treason in a time a war. Sorry, but I've lost all interest with that level of ridiculousness.
6/28/2021 c37 5Sammyboy94
I really love this story. I hope you haven’t abandoned it.
6/28/2021 c21 Sammyboy94
They didn’t use the contraceptive charm the first time when Hermione woke harry on his birthday.
6/23/2021 c1 WildOnionTops
Interesting story
6/12/2021 c14 3241Silo
Wooaaaaaaahhh, chapter 14, WAY too big of a time jump with very little signaling that it even was going to happen. It feels very rushed now and I feel like I've missed about 10 chapters worth of plot. I think I'll be leaving the story now... sorry... I really enjoyed the character development and writing before now, but this is just a little much...
6/14/2021 c37 3WhiteElfElder
Well, it looks like Umbridge has signed her death warrant.
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