Just In
for Crash and Burn

7/6/2014 c1 rubyblue100
Good story:)
7/11/2013 c1 112Itsmecoon
I so loved this. Sam spilling soda on her when they met was genius. Mt favorite part was her using her hand for the last lick. Wonderful!
8/4/2012 c1 26colakirk
"Hit me with your best shot!"LOL - This was a fun fic and the characters came across as totally believable. I found myself singing along as they worked through the initiation. Hope Sam's up to the challenge of taking on a girl like Jess! Great story :)
12/26/2011 c1 84supergirl3684
this was good hun! I'd say poor Sam but ya know, I couldn't stop laughing when he fell! great job!

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