Just In
for Protecting the President

9/24/2017 c10 11Maloire
My word, I'm not sure if I read and reviewed the last chapter before! If I did, shame on me for my poor memory, but hurray as well for being able to enjoy it. What a roller coaster. I feel like Quisty, at once angry at the loss of my favourite character, and then quickly forgiving it all with the happy ending. I love the balance of their relationship. I'm also glad Kiros was portrayed as true a friend as I feel he is in the game. Thank you for finishing this!
7/2/2017 c1 TheLoneDerangerAzL
Laguna was sensual for me and Quistis was so straight to the damn point in this fic. I love the maturity that was imposed in the story,over all the story was great! It's very realistic and you made Laguna and Q meant for each other. Thank youxoxo
7/1/2017 c10 AzL
I didn't sleep the entire night just to finish this fanfic of yours. Thank you so much! I'm always looking for Seiftis/Quirvine and LagunaxQuistis fairing which is very rare to find but I am glad that I bumbed in your fanfic. I am really satisfied though I want more, chapter 10 was not enough for them. Hehe. Just kiddin but I am really thankful for what you've shared and offered for us to read which is your wonderful fanfic of LagunaxQuistis pairing. It was very beautiful. Hope you keep writing wherever you are. You're such a talent. I might re-read it again because I really like specially the love scene (LOL, silly me. I just missed my husband. Hahaha). Thanks for the sleepless night. Joke! Just thank you,it was great :)
7/1/2017 c10 AzL
I've beem looking for QxL pairing aside from SeiferxQ pairing. Thank you for this one and thank you for finishing it :)
6/21/2016 c10 10petrichorblue
Gah! How am I seeing this only now?!
This was superb! I only half remember what the story was about but this is the perfect chance to reread it all without the wait!
Thank you for finishing it! 3
6/6/2016 c10 Pirotessa
My goodness, thank you! Thank you so very very much for finishing this wonderful story! You have made me really happy today when I saw your update. I really thought you wouldn't write an ending for this story but thank God I was mistaken. I can't thank you enough for doing it! This chapter made me cry at the begining but it had the perfect ending. At least for me! I will cherish this fiction forever! It is one of my favourite and the best Laguna/Quistis story I've ever read! I also wish to read more of this couple but I guess they are not that favoured here in fanfiction. A real pity! Anyway, I hope you continue writing because you are very good at it! Hope to read something new from you and if you place an epilogue of Protecting The President that would be awsome! I wish the best to you!
6/3/2016 c10 16Eve Hawke
That last anonymous review was me. Forgot to log in!

A beautiful and amazing end to a wonderful story. You are so skilled! Congratulations on reaching the conclusion! I remember how amazing that feels! :) I imagine a short epilogue could be contrived, though, if you really wanted to. ;)
6/3/2016 c10 Guest
Yay he's alive! Ahhhh! Oh my goodness, I couldn't believe when he died - my heart shattered right along with Quistis'.

Her mourning was so beautifully written, though. It was soothing to my own hurts as I accepted that no, he was really dead. And then! Wow!

This is an absolutely beautiful story with a much- anticipated (and well worth the wait!) ending. I adore it. Thank you so much for sharing your talents and time with us! You are a fabulous writer, and I am so glad to have gotten to read you! :) *kisses and hugs*
6/3/2016 c10 Henyheny
I was so pleased to see this story's notification in my inbox. It's been much too long since I've had some Quistis and Laguna action, and you my friend, have done such a great job at making this natural and desirable.

An epilogue would be much appreciated.
Hope when you're a tad bit free you can start another story with these two. :)
6/3/2016 c10 Yume Abarai
OMG OMG OMG i thought this fic was abandon T_T. Cheers for the update!
6/1/2016 c9 Guest
Okay, I know it's not been updated for more than a year.
But you said it's just 1 chapter left.
And you ended the last one like that.
... :'(
11/30/2015 c9 Guest
I'm gutted...Wow...just wow...I need closure now...hope you update their love story is amazing
11/17/2015 c9 8Bad Octopus
Really? THAT'S where you decide to end this? And then you don't update it for six months? Unacceptable. This story is simply far too good to leave unfinished. Seriously, it's amazing. (Even if you did apparently kill off Laguna, the very first crush of my life. The thirteen-year-old in me is devastated.) Consider this review to be your swift kick in the pants to get to work and continue this story. As a fellow writer and thoroughly abashed member of the Update Hiatus Club, trust me, if you leave your work unfinished, you'll always regret it. Don't give up on this story. You've already put so much into it, with such great results. You can do it!
8/1/2015 c9 Guest
What!? Nooooo!

I really wasn't expecting that. So sad! But as usual, very well written. I know there's only one chapter left but please update soon.
5/29/2015 c9 Deviling
This hurt a lot to read... and still I loved it, I thank you for writing this fic!
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