Just In
for Guns and American Football

12/27/2011 c6 3MidnightMadness22
Still Lovin your story !~

oh yeah and if i can pick i'd like Kakei for rain was it then Akaba for lightning and Agon for mist.

Please and thank you, hop you update soon ^^
12/24/2011 c5 MidnightMadness22
Update soooon !~ ^.^
12/22/2011 c5 4ToLazyGal
Hiruma is storm! Awesome. Only two pairings on ES21 (so far), my favorites are Hiruma/Mamori & Sena/Suzuna.

*Thinking of predict the story* I wonder if monkey boy Monta is Sun. Will Riku involve too?

Short chapter..
12/19/2011 c5 klok755
Hmmm...I was hesitant to start reading this at first due to the lack of reviews. What is wrong with everyone! This was pretty good. I always see the ones about Sena and Tsuna being related, but this is the first where Sakuraba is related to anybody, much less Dino. But it fits. This is pretty good. Now I wonder what is throwing everybody else off? And to think I almost missed such a good fic. Pretty interesting idea going on right now. Hope to see more soon!
12/17/2011 c4 12aenysa
Wow. This is... very original. *still blinking in shock*

xD ANYWAYS, I could totally see this happening. If this was canon... :D Once again, I digress. I would prefer no pairings at all since this is coming along fine without any romance. Your fic is great! Update soon! :D
12/14/2011 c3 3MidnightMadness22
Its good!~ Upadte soon^^
12/14/2011 c1 MidnightMadness22
I like it!~
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