Just In
for Protection

3/29/2014 c6 creativesm75
wow. in a good way.
11/16/2013 c6 31Mr. Ochinchin Head
I know there's more! Don't hide it!
6/23/2013 c5 13Melmel Phase
Ahh so THAT'S how he got the idea. It makes sense. The stress that Tsuna-kun is put under on a daily basis is intense. It can't be helped. It makes perfect sense that Decimo would snap. Snap indeed... For what it's worth, I loved this, I really really did. It was interesting and showed a side of Tsuna that I think is actual there, just hasn't been brought out. It needs the right motivation to be seen.
4/15/2013 c5 creativesm75
3/13/2013 c5 4R3iga1004
o.o so chrome is the one that give the idea for the act in chapter 1
i was shock to read the first time Tsuna kill his own family and he was shot to death by reborn!
how much Tsuna love his family that he would kill them for their sake
no worry i love chrome too she cute and kind
1/29/2013 c4 deadlyslumber
oh god
i love you 3

You're writing is gorgeous; I look forward to every new chapter! 8DD
1/30/2013 c4 Nekozawa Tomoe
damn,gotta love dark!tsuna!i just love dark!tsuna fics,theyre so dark and epic xD bt i love ur fic the most!tsuna was so epic i think i need to hypervetnilate into my pillow tonight xDDD
1/19/2013 c3 deadlyslumber
Damn, Tsuna's so brutal. ouo;

[Ky'aa, so glad you updated 33]
12/21/2012 c2 deadlyslumber
This is my absolute favorite KHR fanfiction - I'm so glad you added a bit more to it. 3
12/11/2012 c1 109Bleach-ed-Na-tsu
This was beautifully disturbing. I've always had a thought- even if I'm glad that it isn't true- that Tsuna being as Dame and 'soft' as he is would NEVER beable to withstand the Mafia. It isn't all babies and 'dying will' like the Manga shows. Mafia is dangerous and dark.
This perfecly protrays what I think would happen if Tsuna were real and the Mafia protrayed more realistically.
This is amazing, it flows well and is so dangerously dakr and wonderful!
Stay awesome dear author!
12/10/2012 c2 puruku
Poor Gokudera...
12/10/2012 c1 puruku
Must love a crazy Tsuna:)
10/10/2012 c1 11gdesertsand
FF that contains insanity is really COOL
1/4/2012 c1 18xXxShiniXKazexXx
Awesome~ ^.^
12/24/2011 c1 polo0904
your story is really good.and my friend want to translate it into chinese ,can you permit ?
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