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for Fairy Tail Sun and the Moon

2/2/2015 c3 Raptor Gil
Water or earth. Something like that.
9/22/2014 c3 Guest
Maby you should wendys natsu and gajeel dragons and let their children meet their grand parents
9/21/2014 c1 Guest
I liked it but you do know that it Layla and Ingeel get mairred Kate and luck will be brother and sister in law and I just can't see gajeel and natsu sharing gran children plus since their all twins won't their children look alike an realy why would juvias daughter be gay
5/22/2014 c3 astrea
this is story is so cool but can you make it longer?!
4/14/2014 c1 Geayfan123456
2/4/2014 c1 Guest
Okay you really need to spellcheck. I mean you REALLY NEED TO SPELLCHECK! The storyline is epic, great, good job. Really is was painful reading so many incorrect words. You should also delete all the spaces between the sentences, you should indent when either beginning dialog or starting a new paragraph. Also, when you begin and end dialog you use " not ', you use ' when a character is talking and repeating something someone said. Lastly, in the scene when Gajeel takes Levy to the hospital, the doctor would not ask how he knew she was pregnant, would not ask for the connection between Gajeel and Levy, and would not ask for his name. At least not right then and there, he would ask that later when she was okay. If you are wondering how I would know that, I work at a hospital. So that's all, nice story keep writing!
1/18/2014 c3 5MWEH
I like your story, but Im actually a bit surprised over how little youve seen of the pairings. But, anyways, still good. Just one thing though - dont dragon slayers eat their element to regain their magic power as well? And if the brothers give eachother of their magic, they only exchage flames, so really neither of them should regain their powers, right? Layla should give them all by using her magic. But maybe Im just overthinking:P it was a really good idea though, I wouldnt ever have come up with it. Anyways, keep writing and update soon!:)
1/4/2014 c3 Ellyson99
The power of the dragon should be water or earth
12/30/2013 c3 AssialaOtaku51

2nd favorite over the 300 stories that i read!


12/27/2013 c3 Guest
Make the baby D. an scribe dragon and have it fall in love with the girls, since the look the same. :) XD
9/19/2013 c3 Guest
It's decided not desited great story i think the dragon should have wind magic
3/23/2013 c3 Guest
Good hurry up with next one though I really liked it!:)
2/20/2013 c3 3fireandcrystal101
This is an awesome fanfiction.
1/17/2013 c1 xXSarcasticAngelXx
that is asome i love it so cute
10/18/2012 c3 Moon
I think the dragon should have iron and fire dragon slayer magic combined cause u did say somthin about the dads will flip if they brought a baby dragon home
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