Just In
for Fairy Tail Sun and the Moon

10/18/2012 c3 12SakuraIchigoDark
awwww baby dragon. It could be igneel's kid or something, wait that would make it luke's and ig's uncle
2/26/2012 c3 17tragedymaster01
hi 6UnTalentedArtist9, personally, i love this story, and i was going to ask to have this story extended. it's a really cute story, and i would love to read more. thanks for reading this.
1/11/2012 c3 klagana1
oh baby dragon! i love how cute the twins are! update soon!
1/3/2012 c1 ninerfan
Like the story. pretty funny. But, where is happy?
1/2/2012 c2 bloocharm
awww this is cute.

i want more, plz keep on updating.
12/18/2011 c1 Let'sJustSay-JuJuChi
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