Just In
for Family Resemblance

6/19/2023 c1 OkBoomer147
you you...
you stopped it there
5/29/2020 c1 1you shall not know my name
You are so evil to just end it like that!
I like it though.
Great story
7/9/2018 c1 1moodysavage
well done!
2/20/2016 c1 1KnightOwl247
I know it's been a few years since you posted this but this has the potential to be a brilliant story, please continue this even if it's six more chapters. Just to give it some closure! ()
4/24/2015 c1 Manillalu
Noooooooooo! Why?! Nooo! It was getting so good!
7/2/2014 c1 4QU4RTZ
Imagine Naruto raising his hand as Iruka asks for volunteers, and shouting out that Minato and Kushina are related to him... and then when everyone realizes that they DO look similar, the looks on their faces... If I was a good artist, I would paint a picture of that exact moment of realization.
5/16/2014 c1 werd me
Evil definitely
3/17/2014 c1 fightingstoryaddiction
more please pretty please!
3/6/2014 c1 2kaear
You are a really cruel person to leave it like that, but regardless, I really enjoyed reading it. It was very well written. I'm glad I found it. Thank you for sharing.
10/10/2013 c1 roush200316
I personally think that you should have given Naruto an story. I liked it.
8/24/2013 c1 5Viridian
That's such an awesome idea, and logically executed too. It works well as a oneshot, though I have to admit that I wouldn't mind seeing this scene continued either!
4/14/2013 c1 A Midsummer
Their similarities were blatantly obvious yet I never did made the connection back then when Kishimoto was very tight lipped about the Yondaime. Then again, I've never been keen in observing.
12/14/2012 c1 1Sailor Solaris2
Mattaku! He pegged it! Good work Naruto!
11/3/2012 c1 4Bochord of Leaspell
I like it!
10/7/2012 c1 1sunfun
Nice story.
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