Just In
for Take That

2/18/2018 c1 Nesha
You should have enlisted the help of Sara and Grissom!
2/26/2013 c4 Sparkle3939
This is very good. I hope you are planning on finishing it. I am simply enjoying it.
2/26/2013 c4 Guest
I just knew that I was going to hate this. But, I am very happy to say that I really enjoy this. I hope you are planning on finishing it.
11/6/2012 c4 170hippiechick2112
it's so horrible what these men have to go through! makes me feel sorry for them!

as always, a very good chapter. :D i just hope you update this soon because i am interested to know what happens next. so, please, message, review or add a chapter, to let us know you're alive!
11/6/2012 c3 hippiechick2112
thank you for this wonderful chapter. :D enjoyable!
11/6/2012 c2 hippiechick2112
O_O wow, omg, this is all i can say. a little funny, a little pathetic, but...i feel so so sorry for hogan and his men!

and i also apologize for not finishing this story up and reviewing. been a little crazy!
1/3/2012 c4 25Canadian Hogan's Fan
Oh heavens, enlisting Endora from Bewitched is a good call. It never hurts to have a witch on your side. I see she's keeping it interesting around camp. I wonder how much more trouble you both will get the guys into.
12/26/2011 c2 182Susan M. M
You're mean, sir. (Please keep in mind, in the World of Fanfic, evil is a compliment.) Science fiction author Jefferson P. Swycaffer once said, "The typewriter is the deadliest weapon there is." You're doing your best to prove Jeff right.
12/26/2011 c1 Susan M. M
Pleasure to see you back, sir. You review far more than you write. Your reviews are always welcome, of course, but it's lovely to see you coming up with some original prose of your own.
12/25/2011 c4 91konarciq
Aw, you're cruel... You better watch it!

Fanfic author dartboards LOL

And Hogan with *blond* hair...? That's just impossible to imagine...
12/25/2011 c4 seniorpowofficer
GIRLS? You changed me and my team into GIRLS? And you shut down our entire operation as well? You have a lot of nerve EGL.And what have you done with our Kommandant Klink? Don't think I've forgotten about you or will forget much less forgive this humiliation seeing as me and my men now have to put up with being leered at and taunted. And naked calisthenics for an hour as well as two hours of close order drill? I promise you no matter how long it takes, my men and I will get even.

The Senior POW Officer
12/25/2011 c4 35ColHogan
This is getting too weird.Looks like Wilson is still a guy.Seems all the guys stuff is gone and what's happened to Colonel Klink? I shudder at the thought. Hochstetter nervous? And I can just see Hogan stewing over the taunts and leering looks he and the others are getting from the still-male prisoners.
12/25/2011 c3 5480sarcades
Ow. Double Ow. Triple Ow! You sure know how to treat the (girls) of barracks two! Great job! (Thanks for throwing in Endora, BTW!)
12/24/2011 c3 theboysfrombarracks2
El Gringo Loco -

We know how to find you! LOL

The Boys from Barracks Two
12/23/2011 c1 170hippiechick2112
O_O cannot wait for more! nice!
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