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for Ashes, Records, and Window Panes

6/24/2022 c15 Siriusmunchkin
Entertaining story
6/9/2019 c8 Guest
She’s stupid and self absorbed
2/13/2019 c15 KDMCAM
I can't even fathom that you wrote this as a teenager! Please tell me that you are still writing because you are truly BRILLIANT!
10/7/2018 c15 tschavis96
My, that was magnificent. Finished in about three hours. So relevant. Keep writing babe, it was amazing.
8/23/2018 c15 la-geologia
Gahhhh This was so perfect! I absolutely LOVED IT! Parts of this hurt so so bad. I cried a whole freaking lot reading it. But that made their happy ending so much sweeter in the end. I couldn't be more thrilled that these two were able to work through their problems and come out a happy family on the other side. You did a fantastic job here! Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story with us. Do you think you'll be writing more TwiFic in the future? I'm such a big fan of your work, I'd love to read more from you. :)
8/16/2018 c8 Guest
But he was with Lauran while they were going to therapy! Was it that time when he said that "I had a surgery"?

Edward is a nasty fucking whore, he can die
8/16/2018 c3 Guest
I really don't like that bella isn't more upset that Edward had an affair.
4/23/2018 c15 alainaroullier
Great story. I would’ve liked an epi but I still very much enjoyed it.
4/23/2018 c8 alainaroullier
So was he still having an affair with Lauren before that text? Why was he agitated before he got it?
4/23/2018 c6 alainaroullier
Why is he still working with Lauren?
4/23/2018 c5 alainaroullier
The little bits of flashback makes Edward sound so mean and almost abusive, I get that he resents her parents for their treatment of him, but is that Bella’s fault?
4/22/2018 c4 alainaroullier
I’m not understanding these two. Should they have avoided marriage in the first place?
4/22/2018 c2 alainaroullier
4/22/2018 c1 alainaroullier
Oh dear. How did these two go so bad?!
1/20/2018 c15 Guest
Its really too bad that this ended in a baby and marriage. Cause really? Why in the fuck your you marry someone that you already divorced for cheating on you? FUCK THAT.

ITs not like he cheated once, he cheated over and over and over and over again. That's a fucking no...when he asked to marry her I wanted her to say NO and MEAN IT!
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