Just In
for All That Glitters

3/15/2021 c32 Chris Chambliss
Just reread this story. It is so good. I love the character of Clara. Thank you for writing.
7/23/2020 c32 6JenB
I read this story on another site but wanted to leave a review here too. This is a great story and I hope you will continue to write and post more chapters or a sequel. Please, please, please write more. There aren't enough HMR/ JH stories. I look forward to reading what comes next.
9/20/2019 c32 G2
Loved this story! I couldn't put it down until I finished it! I would absolutely love for you to continue the Matt and Clara story! :)
8/30/2012 c32 43charli911
I do love the way you ended this...Will we be seeing a sequel, future Hawkes kiddies? Clare joining the Rangers? LOL ...
6/4/2012 c32 Koru413
Finally got to this story after too much work and not enough play time.

Excellent! I love Clara, and you wove a great backstory for her. Excellent plot and dialogue.

I'm looking for to the sequel when your muse returns from summer vacation, as well as the sequel to OotD.

3/24/2012 c32 4kittyloverluna
wonderful as ever. what an ending i am so happy i saw this today. i am so excited to see whats next?
3/23/2012 c32 StarElk
Great ending - can't wait for "Book 2"
3/17/2012 c31 kittyloverluna
Oh my

I loved the last three chapters so much. I am so glad she is back and things are starting to go her and Matts way. I can not wait till more.
3/17/2012 c31 9Max and Dakota
I really had mixed feelings about this story because it is so Clara centered rather than ranger centered but you have done an excellent job with the plot and developing things. Glad to see Matt and Clara have finally realized their feelings!
3/16/2012 c31 StarElk
YEAH - great chapter - thank you! :)
3/16/2012 c30 StarElk
Good chapter - the suspense!
3/15/2012 c29 StarElk
Aww sad chapter but can't wait for more!
3/13/2012 c28 4kittyloverluna
WOW what a chapter.

I loved this chapter and would love to see a second book. I was so happy to see this today. It made my day. I am so excited for the next chapter
3/13/2012 c28 wolfeylady
I don't have any ideas right now, except that maybe by the time your next book is ready, it will be time for Cody to leave for college. No matter what, I am going to read and enjoy it.
3/13/2012 c28 StarElk
another great chapter and i am excited to know there will be another "book"
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