Just In
for As Darkness Falls

3/8/2021 c5 8Nick Zoe 4ever
Please update this story again soon
3/31/2012 c5 17pinkswallowsun
oh Nikki :( I'm very worried about her! She needs to let HArry help her, I'm sure he'd be able to make her feel much better. Wonderfully written as always, left me wanting more immediately :) Update when you can, I'll be waiting :) Of course I hadn't forgotten about you!

Love Flossie xxx
3/31/2012 c5 Lizziginne
Oh nikki :( you need harry to look after you, don't push him away! :/ I really laced this chapter it just show how much harry really cares for her :) xxx
3/30/2012 c5 10tigpop
Yey, you're back :D and you're not useless, RL has to come first sometimes :D

Loved this as always, and love the thought of Harry standing in the way on purpose, just to get seen quicker :p

Really wish Nikki would let Harry help tho! Or just give her a hug!

And loved the sitting behind the door bit, even tho it was so sad :(

Can't wait for the next bit, and to find out whats happened! :D

3/30/2012 c5 24dinabar
Hmm Harry I have a feeling that you really should have stayed. Thanks for writing again, I love your style and have missed it having read this it reminded me how much I like it; it's light, airy and atmospheric despite often dealing with the darker side of life. Just right.

Looking forward to more.

3/30/2012 c4 dinabar
"He could never just worry about one of those two if they were in trouble, it always affected the other so much he had to worry about them both." Classic line, perfect just perfect. At least the paramedics found her. Now over to super Harry
3/30/2012 c3 dinabar
Ah yes, 'it's like getting married at 16, you don't know what your missing,' Although she can't possibly have married someone again... just met up with him again, must be that. I like the bit about too much sport and being good at lying to herself very Nikki.

3/30/2012 c2 dinabar
AGain? how had she allowed this to happen again? Now you've really got us thinking, although I do admit in the first couple of paragraphs my heart sank...'she's never going to kill her off again!' was the general thought pattern.

I liked the bit about not wanting to be found,just wish I knew what on earth was going on... reading on...

3/30/2012 c1 dinabar
OOOh how did I miss this? Great opening very tense and mysterious. On to the next.
3/30/2012 c5 EmmaJ1996
So ambiguous...really want to find out what's happened and why she is shutting out Harry! I mean, it's Harry. Why would you shut out Harry? :/

Anyway...update soon...and you're not useless at updating...don't worry...take it from me...only done one fanfic this year! Awful.

Love Ems x

Ps. Review mine...The Wrong Rose? Xx
1/27/2012 c4 17pinkswallowsun
So sorry I haven't reviewed earlier,didn't see it before, just realised that it's M rated so it doesn't show up in the archive. So I'm going to favourite it so I know when it's been updated :) Love this, it's so sinister, and Harry's concern for NIkki is just perfect. he has to go and get her from the hospital, right? I think she's going to need a Harry hug :)

Update soon!

Love Flossie xxx
1/19/2012 c4 29FunkToFunky
Really really good! Suspence is great! Update soon!
1/12/2012 c4 10tigpop
Oh no, if he's affected Nikki that badly he must be evil!

Poor Harry and Leo too for having to worry :(

Loved the 'one staying calm' bit :) Leo really does keep it together when Harry's worrying :)

Loved, and now really looking forward to the next bit :D

1/12/2012 c3 tigpop
'in a desperate attempt to feel like she had a purpose, like she was loved' - are you going to make it as sad as your last one (is that even possible...) :p poor Nikki.

Ex husband! :o evil ex husband at that :(

Can't wait to see where your taking this one :)

1/12/2012 c4 Lizziginne
Oh nikki :( I want to give her a hug ! And pour harry... really stressing about it :/ xxx
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