Just In
for Another Tale

12/23/2015 c1 14OfFriendsAndFoes
Nice prologue to the story. Hope you are able to continue the story.
3/24/2012 c1 RedWickedNinja
LOVE IT! you need to update soon!
1/2/2012 c1 10Superdani4Ever
I just found this show and when I saw him dying I screamed NOOOOOOOOO!truly sad,I wish they didn't kill him :ยด(

and then I found your story ,so all I have to say is: THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

PS:please,DONT kill him :(
12/29/2011 c1 2jcb88alice
This story idea is really good. I'm excited to read more!
12/23/2011 c1 ILuvOdie
i can't wait to read more :] i hated how regina squished his heart! :(

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