Just In
for The Champion

12/29/2011 c7 8Kansas Scout
Oh... Man... Poor Xander... Jack and Buffy are pissed and confused!
12/29/2011 c7 80286
I was just thinking about re-reading this story when I decided to see if it was posted to I was thrilled to see that you're posting it here at what looks like a chapter a day (so far) so I can savour it rather than just reading the whole thing in a night. I'm also really enjoying Potter's Protector, it's one of the best crossovers between my two favourite fandoms that I've read.

The only problem I see with this incarnation of your story is the italic/em tags aren't translating properly, italicized items are bracketed by em /em.

I've read this story a few times and it's still entertaining. Thank-you for all those hours of entertainment, and I'm excited to see where Potter's Protector is going.
12/29/2011 c7 SeanHicks4
Cool chapter, the bigger stake idea seemed origional at least in the case of the judge. Interesting thought on how a vamp could get with Buffy. It's a bit random, but connected to that, but if they can control the desire to breath could they not also have fine control of the 'natural pacemaker' thing in the heart and thus be able to move the blood in a needed fasion for those acts?...I feel like I read into that a bit too much...
12/28/2011 c6 SeanHicks4
Cool chapter, I should have realised it was 'Redvs.Blue' when you said on AI was watching it even if I've barly seen some of the jokes. I thought I reconised stuff from Dogma, but what is Jack Ryan... guess I'll look it up then
12/28/2011 c6 27GuiltyPleasuresAndDeadlySins
Uh...isn't Sha're Daniel's wife? lol.

Can't wait for the next chapter. :)
12/28/2011 c5 4Major Simi
well good one
12/27/2011 c1 AlphaCenturion
So far the story is following almost, if not, exactly what is on the Twisting The Hellmouth site. Not that I'm complaning as this is a fantastic story and all. but will there be any differences?
12/27/2011 c5 SeanHicks4
Cool story, dont really know which spartan you gave Xander since I've not looked at 'Halo' sutff since a little after 3 came out and my Xbox fried and I lost intrest in the books. Interesting way to bring in the 'Stargate' bits, I was wondering how it'd work, since most I've seen they either get an SG1 members memory from Haloween, are related to one or something.
12/26/2011 c4 mwbib
Good story so far ... Looking foreword to more
12/26/2011 c4 Major Simi
let me guess asguard beam? well it was really funny the first scene whit xander as a cat and buffy holding him. good chapter
12/26/2011 c3 Major Simi
well another good chapter, it gets interesting i mean really whit god and gaia involfed. seems like the xan-man is in high demand in heaven.
12/25/2011 c2 2Jonis
Interesting beginning. Hope you'll continue.
12/24/2011 c2 4Major Simi
well interesting story. keep going as it seems not too bad. oh and merry christmas
12/24/2011 c2 8Kansas Scout
Nice, but I keep wondering just what will tip of the SGC to Xander.
12/23/2011 c1 Kansas Scout
Nice first chapter, so this is a mix of Stargate: SG1, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and HALO I take it. Seems that Xander has become an accidental Spartan. I think it has good potential for a story and you can also from what I see keep the story from getting to mixed up.
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