Just In
for The Champion

7/11/2020 c38 12Village-Mystic
Good plot twists and follow-throughs.
7/11/2020 c37 Village-Mystic
Good plot twists.
7/10/2020 c34 Village-Mystic
Weird twists, but very sweetly done.
7/10/2020 c31 Village-Mystic
Good plot twists.
7/10/2020 c28 Village-Mystic
Lots of twists and turns.
7/9/2020 c25 Village-Mystic
That was sweet that Xander could say something repeated from g-d without the metatron needing to do it.
7/9/2020 c24 Village-Mystic
Amazing story twists and plot moments... good pay-off and further set-ups.
7/9/2020 c23 Village-Mystic
Great alternate plotting and synching up with episodes.
7/9/2020 c17 Village-Mystic
Thinking - question -could that make George Peppard's character from the A-Team Xander's son?
7/9/2020 c15 Village-Mystic
Big changes. I don't think I've seen Angelus "put back" in Sunnydale before like that in a story. On the other hand, balance restored is a good thing, knowing of "the first evil."
7/8/2020 c13 Village-Mystic
Enjoying the plot.
7/8/2020 c10 Village-Mystic
Well delivered.
7/8/2020 c8 Village-Mystic
Big plot twists, well delivered. As always, enjoying the character moments and dialogs.
7/8/2020 c7 Village-Mystic
Again, enjoyed the on-camera character moments and problem solving.
7/8/2020 c6 Village-Mystic
Continuing to enjoy. Although much of the training sequence was "off-camera," the decision making stuff and dialogs were fun and exciting.
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