2/3 c45 JimmnyCricket
First please know that I loved this story, only one thing was truly horrible. I never liked how you made Harry ... basically what you did..I don't really know how to term it... you seem to have made him alone and lonely for millions of years and in my mind that is totally wrong. You were heartless in this regard. No one who truly doesn't understand what immortality, eternal youth and life mean leaving/loosing those you love and continuing on. Granted this all conjecture about immortality. But I know I wouldn't want to outlive my wife, kids, grandkids, great grandkids..
First please know that I loved this story, only one thing was truly horrible. I never liked how you made Harry ... basically what you did..I don't really know how to term it... you seem to have made him alone and lonely for millions of years and in my mind that is totally wrong. You were heartless in this regard. No one who truly doesn't understand what immortality, eternal youth and life mean leaving/loosing those you love and continuing on. Granted this all conjecture about immortality. But I know I wouldn't want to outlive my wife, kids, grandkids, great grandkids..
1/13 c25 Guest
Draco: I'm not gay
Im SUPER gay!
Or Bi be milder
Draco: I'm not gay
Im SUPER gay!
Or Bi be milder
1/13 c19 Guest
Ah so that premonition I'm assuming is that Nym won't have Xander to herself maybe?
Which is why she asked Luna "is she hot?".
Gonna assume Fleur but hoping for a Buffyverse girl to appear
Ah so that premonition I'm assuming is that Nym won't have Xander to herself maybe?
Which is why she asked Luna "is she hot?".
Gonna assume Fleur but hoping for a Buffyverse girl to appear
1/13 c18 Guest
Why is Xander so surprised that Fumbledore is a manipualt8ve evil asshole?
He's lived in th4 Hellmoyth so he should be suspicious and paranoid about him anyway
Why is Xander so surprised that Fumbledore is a manipualt8ve evil asshole?
He's lived in th4 Hellmoyth so he should be suspicious and paranoid about him anyway
1/13 c16 Guest
A2 was hoping for Xander and Nym
A2 was hoping for Xander and Nym
1/12 c12 Guest
I'll bebhon3st was hoping this chapter wouldvr berberine an excuse to kill Lockhart
This chapter was a mess...
Mid trandofmationbas a dragon Harry, Hermione slowly becoming unlikeable. Like wtf is her sociopathic mindset of bring a rude bitch and eating time?
Like they're all trying to go and find who tried to rape and abduct Luna but Hermione is just being a cunt. Wasting time and asking stupid questions.
Also you would think JOYCE would hrbsomehwat aware of what is going on in her own goddamn castle.
You can't keep cherypicking what she can and cannot do every few chapters, this isn't league of legends where every patch they vuffbor nerf her
Also where'd the plot where the twins give Harry thr map? You would also think Joyce would have her own version but nah..
I'll bebhon3st was hoping this chapter wouldvr berberine an excuse to kill Lockhart
This chapter was a mess...
Mid trandofmationbas a dragon Harry, Hermione slowly becoming unlikeable. Like wtf is her sociopathic mindset of bring a rude bitch and eating time?
Like they're all trying to go and find who tried to rape and abduct Luna but Hermione is just being a cunt. Wasting time and asking stupid questions.
Also you would think JOYCE would hrbsomehwat aware of what is going on in her own goddamn castle.
You can't keep cherypicking what she can and cannot do every few chapters, this isn't league of legends where every patch they vuffbor nerf her
Also where'd the plot where the twins give Harry thr map? You would also think Joyce would have her own version but nah..
1/12 c7 Guest
Oooh is Xander going to seduce znrs Malfoy?
Oooh is Xander going to seduce znrs Malfoy?
1/12 c4 Guest
In surprised you didn't outright show evidence thar Snapr is a triple agent abd thar he is the reason why Harry and znevilles parents are dead or comatose l.
Because he wad the spy who overheard parts of the proph3cy and alerted voldenort about the potters and longbottoms
In surprised you didn't outright show evidence thar Snapr is a triple agent abd thar he is the reason why Harry and znevilles parents are dead or comatose l.
Because he wad the spy who overheard parts of the proph3cy and alerted voldenort about the potters and longbottoms
9/24/2024 c45 Crywolf178
I really enjoy this story, I just reread it for like the fourth time and each time I love it just as much.
I really enjoy this story, I just reread it for like the fourth time and each time I love it just as much.
7/18/2024 c45 Lordel
Love this story, thank you!
Love this story, thank you!
7/1/2024 c3 Incantations7
Then again, this IS Snape, after all, who makes up what he wants in relation to Harry…
Then again, this IS Snape, after all, who makes up what he wants in relation to Harry…
7/1/2024 c3 Incantations7
And this is a bit of a continuity issue… Snape was saying that he was out after curfew and now Percy is saying that it’s close to curfew…
And this is a bit of a continuity issue… Snape was saying that he was out after curfew and now Percy is saying that it’s close to curfew…