Just In
for Lust after you

11/17/2020 c8 1Candylover778
Hahahahaha! Well played Bella! Please Update! Please Dont throw it away! Its soo good! Loved it all so far!
11/17/2020 c7 Candylover778
Hahaha! DAmn Paul and Eddie are desperate
11/17/2020 c6 Candylover778
Hahaha so tru bella
11/17/2020 c5 Candylover778
Loved It!D
11/17/2020 c4 Candylover778
Hahaha hope bella doesnt fall for that!
11/17/2020 c3 Candylover778
Loved It!
11/16/2020 c2 Candylover778
loved it!
11/16/2020 c1 Candylover778
Hahah thats what u get paul and eddie!
8/7/2015 c8 rochelleross56
Oh man well played bella what a great story .. Ugh mgreat job I hope things work out for them they just may learn a thing or two in the end...
8/7/2015 c7 rochelleross56
Awww Edward finally made a different choice I hope he can wait be cause the best comes to those that wait...
8/7/2015 c6 rochelleross56
Wow what a day bells being coy and very charming today...
8/7/2015 c5 rochelleross56
Very nice chapter poor bells she very confused was very cute of her to make a joke around Edward to bad she did not stick around she might have learned something real about Edward... Hmmm I wonder why she skipped afternoon classes...
8/7/2015 c4 rochelleross56
Wow those boys are determined to get bells attention to bad they never thought of another way that would have better results...
8/4/2015 c3 rochelleross56
Hmmm nice advice it can't hurt not after the first go around...k
8/4/2015 c2 rochelleross56
Wow that went well hmmm time to start again...
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