11/17/2020 c8
Hahahahaha! Well played Bella! Please Update! Please Dont throw it away! Its soo good! Loved it all so far!

Hahahahaha! Well played Bella! Please Update! Please Dont throw it away! Its soo good! Loved it all so far!
8/7/2015 c8 rochelleross56
Oh man well played bella what a great story .. Ugh mgreat job I hope things work out for them they just may learn a thing or two in the end...
Oh man well played bella what a great story .. Ugh mgreat job I hope things work out for them they just may learn a thing or two in the end...
8/7/2015 c7 rochelleross56
Awww Edward finally made a different choice I hope he can wait be cause the best comes to those that wait...
Awww Edward finally made a different choice I hope he can wait be cause the best comes to those that wait...
8/7/2015 c5 rochelleross56
Very nice chapter poor bells she very confused ...it was very cute of her to make a joke around Edward to bad she did not stick around she might have learned something real about Edward... Hmmm I wonder why she skipped afternoon classes...
Very nice chapter poor bells she very confused ...it was very cute of her to make a joke around Edward to bad she did not stick around she might have learned something real about Edward... Hmmm I wonder why she skipped afternoon classes...
8/7/2015 c4 rochelleross56
Wow those boys are determined to get bells attention to bad they never thought of another way that would have better results...
Wow those boys are determined to get bells attention to bad they never thought of another way that would have better results...