Just In
for The Secret of Cloudveil Lodge

6/8/2022 c1 Duckbutt
8/17/2021 c1 TLynnson
What a sweet story!
5/4/2021 c1 Blaze Zion
These are the type of stories I love to read. I hope I can see your work in NovelStar. There are also a lot of talented writers in that platform. You may check their group on Facebook.
5/6/2013 c1 RedJane12
The Northman family is uber cute... Great heartwarming outtake to the AWESOME Alive After Dark!
5/25/2012 c1 Honulvr
There are so few stories where Sookie & Eric have kids that actually allow you any time with the kids (they always have babies, but no kids and teens). This was fun.
1/4/2012 c1 11realjena
What a great story - neat turn on St. Nick!
12/28/2011 c1 Trajedy99
Well done. A nice feel good story. Thank you and Regards. Trudy
12/28/2011 c1 Chipndalegal
How can I not love a story that not only gives us a little glimpse into the happy life that Sookie and their kids are leading, but also has Santa as a kind and generous vampire!
12/26/2011 c1 livesimple
Santa is a vamp? Nice angle. Very cute! I love ADD outakes
12/26/2011 c1 4AuntieL
Loved it! Santa's a vampire! Wooooooohoooooooo! *How else can you get a rep like his, indeed!*

Merry New Year to you, my dear, Hope you had a happy Christmas!
12/26/2011 c1 bib2009
Thank you so much! What a great Xmas present, hope yours was just as wonderful!
12/26/2011 c1 TheLadyKT
aww sweet family story. Santa the vamp. lol
12/26/2011 c1 IrisNorthman
I love your AAD stories! I hope to see more in the future, maybe of idony's wedding or even them as children. I love this Northman family.
12/26/2011 c1 B-Rock525
Very good. Happy holidays
12/26/2011 c1 Gngr
Very sweet! Thanks for such a lovely gift!
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