5/4/2021 c1 Blaze Zion
These are the type of stories I love to read. I hope I can see your work in NovelStar. There are also a lot of talented writers in that platform. You may check their group on Facebook.
These are the type of stories I love to read. I hope I can see your work in NovelStar. There are also a lot of talented writers in that platform. You may check their group on Facebook.
5/6/2013 c1 RedJane12
The Northman family is uber cute... Great heartwarming outtake to the AWESOME Alive After Dark!
The Northman family is uber cute... Great heartwarming outtake to the AWESOME Alive After Dark!
5/25/2012 c1 Honulvr
There are so few stories where Sookie & Eric have kids that actually allow you any time with the kids (they always have babies, but no kids and teens). This was fun.
There are so few stories where Sookie & Eric have kids that actually allow you any time with the kids (they always have babies, but no kids and teens). This was fun.
12/28/2011 c1 Chipndalegal
How can I not love a story that not only gives us a little glimpse into the happy life that Sookie and their kids are leading, but also has Santa as a kind and generous vampire!
How can I not love a story that not only gives us a little glimpse into the happy life that Sookie and their kids are leading, but also has Santa as a kind and generous vampire!
12/26/2011 c1
Loved it! Santa's a vampire! Wooooooohoooooooo! *How else can you get a rep like his, indeed!*
Merry New Year to you, my dear, Hope you had a happy Christmas!
Loved it! Santa's a vampire! Wooooooohoooooooo! *How else can you get a rep like his, indeed!*
Merry New Year to you, my dear, Hope you had a happy Christmas!
12/26/2011 c1 bib2009
Thank you so much! What a great Xmas present, hope yours was just as wonderful!
Thank you so much! What a great Xmas present, hope yours was just as wonderful!
12/26/2011 c1 IrisNorthman
I love your AAD stories! I hope to see more in the future, maybe of idony's wedding or even them as children. I love this Northman family.
I love your AAD stories! I hope to see more in the future, maybe of idony's wedding or even them as children. I love this Northman family.