Just In
for A Very Mercer Christmas

7/14/2016 c9 Guest
Bwahahaha! HILARIOUS! Pure, 24-carat, comedy gold right there people! You know, maybe you could have them (Jennifer and Alex) actually dating each other, I can only imagine the looks on the faces of the other Avengers, Dana and Ragland when, and/or if, they ever find out about the relationship. Until next time, Farewell, Allons~y and BANZAI!
12/18/2013 c9 warfolomei
Fun all around. Maybe a radiated woman is actually what he needs.
12/18/2013 c5 warfolomei
That domesticated killer virus. Every outsiders is taking that news pretty well.
12/18/2013 c3 warfolomei
This is getting better and better.
That use of power for menial tasks.
12/18/2013 c2 warfolomei
Mercer giggling maniacally while planning Christmas dinner and trying to blend in... priceless.
Can't decide if Parker was unlucky or lucky enough to get out alive.
12/18/2013 c1 warfolomei
Fitting story for the holidays.
It's nice to see him act brotherly.
10/24/2013 c2 Guest
Peter Parker needs a Nokia
7/24/2013 c9 lazyguy90
This is hilarious.

Great work.
7/5/2013 c9 4TyroAkira
Best. Fucking. Story. EVAR! *Starts flailing around and spazzing at the awesomeness* Oh my God! I love the way you wrote this, it's perfect! Please make moar! :D
12/18/2012 c9 4Dragonskyt
I loved this story, so... cute I guess is the word for it. I enjoyed this story greatly and I wish you a Merry Christmas 2012
12/18/2012 c2 Dragonskyt
Poor Peter. Guess its the Parker Luck at work
9/27/2012 c9 12Lord Joyde The Madman
Is there going to be more?


3/31/2012 c9 Olivaceous
Oh wow this is just hilarious~! XD

I love your take on alex's character, and the washing machine bit was genius!

Too bad there isn't any more chapters, but this is a really awesome fic anyway! :D
3/1/2012 c9 4Aronim
This is hilarious. I'm just sad there isn't any more. Alex interacting with these people (or any people in a normal context) is brilliant.

You seem to shift tense without reason sometimes and you seem to be in a hurry writing sometimes, apparently hitting the wrong letters, like writing "ad" instead of "as". And you apparently missed that in proofreading.

Good job at making a WAFF Prototype. That makes no sense now when I think of it but it was great fun to read. Write more please? :)
2/3/2012 c2 1Selias
Best chapter in this fic. Love it.
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