Just In
for I'll Protect You!

1/10/2013 c8 2IndigoRose626
more! this rocks
7/29/2012 c8 1Eternity Spell
Btw Poland is crazier than here, and Lithuania is afraid of Ivan (Russia).
7/26/2012 c8 Guest
please continue!
7/26/2012 c8 7Stine chan USA
d' awww... *Tears comes out of eyes* They are so cute.
I exploded. This OOC Belarus is the cutest. Lithuania is always cute and poland will be poland :)
7/20/2012 c7 trunkssanfan
this was pretty good story
6/30/2012 c7 Guest
please continue! wah! everyone should fall in love with belarus!
6/28/2012 c7 5PrussiaRox
After 3 months that short little chapter
6/28/2012 c7 3ClassyAnimeNerd
I. JUST. DIED. THAT WAS AMAAAZZZINNNNNGNGGGGGGG *Sigh as I melt* that was an awesome chapter *squeal* update
6/28/2012 c6 ClassyAnimeNerd
update im in looooove with this story
1/15/2012 c5 1Silver Wolf Ilya
Wow this story is amazing Please Update soon!
1/5/2012 c4 Mew-Mew118
This is really good! I can't wait until you write more
12/29/2011 c3 7LittleYellowBirdie
Oooh please write more i love this pairing and how you protray them!

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