Just In
for The Founders Four:Time Travel

12/15/2021 c2 wandamarie
thank you
12/15/2021 c1 wandamarie
thank you
3/17/2020 c2 1HPandPJO4ever
This is really good!
6/29/2016 c2 the trash
please update this story is amazing
8/10/2014 c2 Lily Pond
That is awesome :)
2/26/2014 c2 lily pond
Thatz so awesomesause please continue
8/25/2012 c2 Guest
superb story!
1/26/2012 c2 lost in the sea
good chapter update soon :)
12/29/2011 c2 9Kokoro no Hana
Wow, this is really cool! That twist about 3 of the 4 being different was pretty awesome too C; Carry on soon!
12/28/2011 c2 1sarahbeth101243
Well, this is interesting. Can't wait to
12/28/2011 c2 Eezsor
That was brill! But how about the chamber? Anyway, really liked the chapter and I'm curious where they get sorted to. Thanks for the update
12/28/2011 c1 Eezsor
Cool..i really 3 it..though the founders i think speak old english.. :)

Can't wait for the next update!
12/28/2011 c1 4Cassia4u
this is SUPER good! keep writing, you have talent! :D

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