12/26/2012 c2 5GavrocheDiedForYourSins
The bear scene was the most adorable thing in the history of ever :3
The bear scene was the most adorable thing in the history of ever :3
1/1/2012 c3 7Washingtonian
I love this story. Sorry that there was only 1 review but I just read the story today cause I was at DC for the last 2 days.
I love this story. Sorry that there was only 1 review but I just read the story today cause I was at DC for the last 2 days.
12/30/2011 c3 9MartiniBabe
I love this story! It's better than good, it's fantastic! I'll recommend it on my profile:)
I love this story! It's better than good, it's fantastic! I'll recommend it on my profile:)
12/30/2011 c2 MartiniBabe
LOVE LOVE LOVE this story! It was so sweet and rather a bit heartbreaking. Awww, poor Emmett:( Please update another chapter soon!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this story! It was so sweet and rather a bit heartbreaking. Awww, poor Emmett:( Please update another chapter soon!
12/30/2011 c1 MartiniBabe
I always thought the family underestimated Rosalie, thanks for making them understand that:) Great chapter!
I always thought the family underestimated Rosalie, thanks for making them understand that:) Great chapter!