Just In
for Christmas Drama

4/8/2018 c1 Guest
Loved it
12/25/2014 c1 fish337
Today is Xmas day lalalalalal merry Xmas
1/15/2014 c1 Quinntana2
:)(: It broke my heart when Bella overheard Rosalie saying all those things. Bella is so caring and sweet. I love how much the pack cares about her and how protective they are. I'm glad Rosalie came around.
8/6/2012 c1 2My very own puddle jumper
AAAAWWWWW too cute
5/1/2012 c1 4Matthias Stormcrow
That was another really good one shot. You almost had me crying there for a minute. Sweet ending though.
1/1/2012 c1 Hanna-Boo101
I loved this it was sooo cute
1/1/2012 c1 3diva9075
and you said this story wasnt all that good! lol i loved it but kinda cried when rosalie said all that stuff...but yeah lol i really liked it :)

~mariko 3
1/1/2012 c1 29MysticalKC
Amazing! I love it! :D
1/1/2012 c1 stardust666
This was a very cute story. I loved it
12/31/2011 c1 Lady Of Shy
Very Lovely ! :D
12/31/2011 c1 Just4Me
Great story. I like how you include all the characters, not just Bella and Edward. I'm glad Rosalie could see past her usual jealousy of Bella.
12/31/2011 c1 13twilight-jemmett
Yay first review for the year 2012 loved it it was great abd I just loved it

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