Just In
for Ten Tastes Of Sour Milk

3/2/2013 c1 19ShadowSpider1610
Good story, awesome writing and pretty awesome summary. I guess Sean and Natalie decided to name their first child Anne since they wanted to name their daugther to honor the death of their friend Anne. If they had a son, they would definitely name him Ben. That way, Sean and Natalie can honor the deaths of their best friends.
10/28/2012 c1 theofficerdante118
What happened to Vika?
4/28/2012 c1 7Rachie-girl
This is hella good! I like this style, not necessarily the 10 part aspect, just the series of random moments that turn out to be important in the long run. I really like how you included aspects of his life before, during, and after the invasion. It's really the small details that matter, like how you included that the crib was glass instead of just saying it was a crib, and the 'Got Milk?' poster was a lovely and relatable little spiel. Plus the fact that this the only 'The Darkest Hour' fic I've found to date, I give you a nice 10/10. Keep up the good work buddy (insert thumbs up here).

1/17/2012 c1 echoing52Hz
I read the reviews for The Darkest Hour and thought that i would hate it. But it turned out to be one of my favorite movies ever! And i loved your fic almost as much as i loved the movie!
1/8/2012 c1 30opensummer
This is an excellent story. And I'm with you, I like the darkest hour more then reviews said I would.

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