Just In
for master of the black knight

10/27/2016 c6 Guest
Maybe change berserker to someone different
3/26/2014 c5 3ExtraChronal
intersting, seems archer would have some difficulty here. Knight of Honor is natural counter to UBW after all...
12/22/2012 c5 3Reishin Amara
omg...why no update?
10/19/2012 c5 GanHunter
Hope? Archer is going to kill Shirou, and with Shirou decision right now to save everyone. Archer no doubt be convinced that Shirou will go to his path whether its King Arturia or not, he will not be taking any chances after this. That is what I think anyways, hopefully you'll update the next chapter soon if possible.
10/19/2012 c4 GanHunter
Interesting but not quite interesting that I hope, but still a good story. If possible make it a bit longer.
10/17/2012 c5 4Zaralann
9/2/2012 c4 Unknown
first off very good i love seeing original ideas like this and you have done it well i just hope shirou opens his circuits and learns tracing soon maybe lancelot remembers some thing from merlin that could help

i always liked UBW shirou over fate canon shirou
9/1/2012 c4 Zaralann
8/28/2012 c3 Zaralann
Nice chapter!
7/5/2012 c3 Guest
Arturia and Lancelot as saber and Shiro's servant
7/5/2012 c2 Guest
It would be cool if Shiro summoned both Arturia and Lancelot.
6/9/2012 c2 9DSApocryphal
This seems like it'd be a great story if someone picked it up bro. you and another reviewer mentioned the ties between the mythos of Lancelot and Avalon (Arturia as king) aren't there, but you could shift it to maybe to the mythos of Arthur vs Arturia, just to close the gap a bit more, because the little glimpses we get of Saber's home land in the anime and novels is very similar to the King Arthur legend, has similar names, and I mean the both have the dang same sword. So Just an idea. but again a really interesting idea.
3/29/2012 c3 4MidoriRue
I love this story. Please contiune.
2/25/2012 c3 kyunaru
nice story very original so far hope u keep up the good work
2/21/2012 c3 2Soup Fish
You need to work on you spelling and form. Also inserting texts that say things like "Saber Talking" or "So and So's point of veiw"

Make for a sloppy format. You should be able to convey whose point of view it is without such labels.

I will give my thoughts on the plot Ideas and other such things when the above is fixed.
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