9/3/2015 c9 mary
Please please continue to wright this amazing fanfiction?
Please please continue to wright this amazing fanfiction?
7/18/2014 c9 5Snowdrop-143
This chapter unfortunately seemed a little jumbled but thanks for the update!
This chapter unfortunately seemed a little jumbled but thanks for the update!
7/17/2014 c1 Mimiscout
I absolutely love the Acolytes. Love them. Love everything about them. Johns out talking to a tree and he walks in and finds it weird that Gambit is doing a happy dance. Gosh I love them. You wouldn't believe it I had this craving to read about my this little group online. Was trying to find one and then I go to the page and this pops up. Heh. I'm going to enjoy this. Expect one more comment in the last chapter. ;)
I absolutely love the Acolytes. Love them. Love everything about them. Johns out talking to a tree and he walks in and finds it weird that Gambit is doing a happy dance. Gosh I love them. You wouldn't believe it I had this craving to read about my this little group online. Was trying to find one and then I go to the page and this pops up. Heh. I'm going to enjoy this. Expect one more comment in the last chapter. ;)
12/20/2013 c8 3Dark Lord of the X-Men
YES! FINALLY! PLEASE POST MORE! This story is awesome and has captivated me for a long time now. PLEASE continue this story as soon as possible! :)
YES! FINALLY! PLEASE POST MORE! This story is awesome and has captivated me for a long time now. PLEASE continue this story as soon as possible! :)
7/21/2013 c7 Death-to-Chocolate
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! such an amaing story so far! please come back and update an keep on wrighting! cant wait ta see what happens next! :)
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! such an amaing story so far! please come back and update an keep on wrighting! cant wait ta see what happens next! :)
11/8/2012 c6 19Martina StormBringr
OH Man! What I've read so far was hilarious! LOL I can't wait to read more. Keep up the great work. _
OH Man! What I've read so far was hilarious! LOL I can't wait to read more. Keep up the great work. _