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for Little Red Riding Hood

9/28/2014 c1 wanda lensherr
7/19/2014 c1 Unknown User
It was SOOO good that I almost came and I didn't even masterbate.
1/14/2014 c1 smutlover
Hot! It was amazingly sexy! ;) love your work
9/9/2013 c1 Beast
Wow let me just say I am really into beastiality (have not done it in real life) and I found this story one of the hottest stories out there for a one shot this is EXTREMLY GOOD 10/10 5/5
8/5/2013 c1 Book of Lilith
I loved reading this. Amazing piece.
1/20/2013 c1 Guest
Please sequel. I love this! kinky red riding hood ;) love it
10/16/2012 c1 Brue
Simply brilliant :D I was looking for something this incredible :))
6/29/2012 c1 Guest
5/5/2012 c1 7J Luc Pitard
Interesting take on the story. It seems like the ones who were protecting her were causing her repressed sexuality to push her to dangerous acts.
4/1/2012 c1 Guest
omg...that was incredibly hot! the idea of a sequel with the hunter sounds even better ;)
3/20/2012 c1 Elle
Very well written with excellent *eh hum* description.

No really, I loved this story. I even liked the cheesy "the better to f*** you with" line.
1/23/2012 c1 tenoh27
Certainly an intriguing re-write of the well-known story. Thank you!
1/16/2012 c1 Guest
Ach du Scheiße! Vielleicht hätte ich die Geschichte nicht in der UBahn lesen sollen ;) sehr heiß, auch wenn ich einen bestiality squick habe. Wie wärs mit einer adult fairytale Collection? Dirty Schneewitchen und die sieben (!) Zwerge vorm schlafengehen, das wär doch was :P

Übrigens mussten meine Eltern früher auch jeden Abend Rotkäppchen erzählen :))


1/8/2012 c1 Guest
Sequel where the hunter walks in?
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