Just In
for Kill Me Now

12/29/2012 c28 8Myrna Maeve
D*MN girl, you OLD! Older than Kaie and Ma- oops, almost spoiled something!
12/28/2012 c27 RandomHyperChild
this is awesome!
12/24/2012 c27 56livvykitty
I will! But I'm working on Mistborn at the moment as well as my book... Well, that was awesome! More blackmail! *takes picture of you and Romano&* Mwahahahahaha!
12/23/2012 c27 17Lunarity2013
dawwww! :3 so kawaii-desu! please update soon!
12/23/2012 c27 8Myrna Maeve
*eyebrow wiggle* Oh? What did Romania take me to my room for? I suggest both of us show up the next morning with hickeys!
12/23/2012 c27 Chloe
I'll try to update next week, I'm kinda busy getting ready for a con.
11/24/2012 c26 239Mein Liebling
Gah! No! D-Don't die Isa! ...On a happier note, amazing story! All the Hetalia characters stuck together with Morgan and CO. Cute!

Ve Such dangers no?

Romano and everyone are so in character, it's really nice to read! What are the different songs Morgan sings? I haven't recognized them...
11/5/2012 c26 16Vampchick2010
poor isa
11/5/2012 c26 8Myrna Maeve
For the Halloween thing I will be dressed in my God Tier outfit!
11/4/2012 c26 lilkinves
Please continue hon! This is a awesome story!
11/4/2012 c26 8Emily Archor
I REALLY need to update!
But thank you for updating Morgan!
11/4/2012 c26 17Lunarity2013
nice chapter; such a sad ending! please, you've gotta update soon! ive gotta know what happens next!
10/23/2012 c25 8Emily Archor
Yay! Update! *sigh* I really gotta work on mine.
10/23/2012 c25 5inactuser
this was an awsome chapter
10/22/2012 c25 Teri Mikami
God, I loved this chapter.
And they should've watched
Ju-on: the grudge! But
you know what's scarier?
WHITE. It's a korean horror
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