Just In
for Gifts for a Princess

1/11/2012 c1 hollownature
oh, that's hilarious i cant believe the butterfly actually died like that. great story i look forward to reading more of your work.
1/11/2012 c1 7darklover
So, you've started another story, eh? Ideas can't help but pop in your head for new ones huh. This is a good start and it was funny how the family particpated with the Hell Butterfly.

"Perhaps his was meant to be larger so that he could shield her if there was ever a need to do so."

Nice reasoning lol. I'm not a fan of his new look. His old look was much sleeker and elegant. Kubo-san just wanted to score points with fans...Bring back excitement...Well, I'm looking forward to the next arc.
1/11/2012 c1 16Melibells
Absolutely adorable! Love it! The poor butterfly at the end was priceless! Can't wait for more :)

1/11/2012 c1 1reallyafairy
Will there be more? Because that'd be absolutely EPIC!
1/11/2012 c1 6curio cherry
Cool! Ur so very cool!

Nice story! Cant wait for d next chap! And btw, when will u update ur other stories?

Miss u!
1/11/2012 c1 204Lalaith Quetzalli
This is great!

I've been wanting to read another of your fics for a while now...

And I too have Rukia wearing kanzashi in my fic. Only in mine the significance is different. Anyway, I too have studied that kind of thing to include it in my fic. It's great! (I hope you make Rukia's hair longer again, I really can't stand her with short hair, while in some ilustrations she looks great, in others she almost looks like a boy! I donĀ“t like that).

Can't wait to see what you have planned for this.

I'm sure it's gonna be great.

Update soon please!
1/11/2012 c1 33Scyler
This is so cute so far. I can't wait for more. I really wonder what it is Byakuya has planned. Whatever it is I bet it's fun! Keep going!
1/11/2012 c1 25Dark Inu Fan
At least the butterfly delivered its message before it had the stress attack! Then again, if Ichigo would have done it, it would have died before it got out the door. At least he has a legitimate excuse to not come sooner! Keep up the good work, dark
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