Just In
for Gifts for a Princess

1/26/2012 c1 2FalconRukichi
aww! ichigo is so cute! that's really ichigo~
1/25/2012 c8 7TheCresantMoonWolf
This chapter is adorable :) lol Please continue to update it is a pleasant surprise whenever I find out you have updated. :) it makes my day :)

~Windstorm~ ~Arashi~ ~Moons Wolf~ ~Springs Light~
1/25/2012 c8 2SaviorEmmaJones
Lol! Only Ichigo would consider hollow hunting a date! But you nailed their interaction with each other. Well done!
1/25/2012 c8 4Eradona
Squeeee! Ichiruki moment!

So happy that you didn't interupt it and leave the 'talk' a cliffhanger!
1/25/2012 c8 7Dashita Tichou
Aw! This chapter was so sweet! I love how you had Rukia react when they got to the cavern! Great job!
1/25/2012 c8 4KitElizaKing
Aww, so sweet! If Ichigo wanted to press his claim any more, he's picked the perfect way to do it. Talking to Rukia one-on-one, telling her what's inside his heart, that's the surest way to Rukia's heart. She's always 'known' what's in there, but it can't beat hearing it.

Lovely chapter. Just nicely romantic.
1/25/2012 c8 8Assault Godzilla
~This path is sure too hard

You are the hope that leads me out of the dark

You let Your love shine down

So that the world could see

You put the light in me~

-lyrics from "The Light in Me" by Brandon Heath

(I was tempted to put in an EarlyRise song, but I think this is somewhat more fitting)

Wow. It all came to this. Hooray for Ichigo & Rukia. And the former didn't blow up anything in the Kuchiki Estate beforehand. Well, at least it's a happy ending for Carrot-top. Sort of. He does need to do something about his hero complex, tho. And maybe Rukia should ease up on the Chappy hugging. XD I'm sure their 1st real daye will go smoothly - with all their pals watching, in some form.

Once again, no chapter this week; even so, Kubo will give us fans some more info on where he's going with Bleach, & perhaps share what he wanted to do in the past. I'll keep ya posted if anything pops up. Would u be surprised if Ichi/Ruki were to become canon, or just somehow see it be alluded to a lot more as the story progresses, like when the series ends? Idk how I even came to support this pairing, but I'm glad I did. I've got a feeling Ichigo would say/use something out of Shakespeare's works as a possible pickup line if he ever asks Rukia out. He literally would go to Hell & back for her, wouldn't he? ;)

Keep it up!
1/25/2012 c8 Grimelark
Very sweet story, I will say this though, hollow dates.. HA HA HA HA! He deserved to get hit! :D
1/25/2012 c8 7kalthurin
(WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Does a back flip and runs across the ceiling, stops by his light shade and looks surprised, :-0 "Didn't know I could do that", his attention gone, he drops from the ceiling and lands on his head)

Finally the magic has arrived and the Union of the "royal" couple has begun and it is about bloody time some one did it in a logical manner, I absolutely loved this chapter, it was brilliantly thought out and planned, Gold, pure and unadulterated gold.

I cannot wait for more.
1/25/2012 c8 Carrie96235
"I'd hate to have to beat a pansy just to rescue you from some unwanted union." - absolutely loved that line! It makes chuckle every time I read it (read this chapter like 3 times already). Another lovely chapter from you, enjoyed reading (obviously) this private time that these two spent together. Also, I am so glad that you are not one of those authors who build up the anticipation on an all important discussion, only to have said discussion postponed because of untimely interruptions (don't get me wrong, I can appreciate a good "cliffhanger" as much as the next person but the way some do it just borders on ridiculous). Again, I can't wait to find out what happens next.
1/25/2012 c8 Shiso no Kitsune
Finally it happens! Thank heavens.

This is a nice chapter that, if it made me feel any more "fuzzy" feelings, would transform me into a teddybear. ;D
1/25/2012 c8 25Dark Inu Fan
Yay, Ichigo can be romantic when he wants to be... And that's few and far between. I wonder if he's ever read any of the Great Bard's works to Rukia. I'm sure that they would enjoy reading some together. The works really do come alive when played out, not just read. Keep up the good work, dark
1/24/2012 c8 Hothead11
Yay for such am awesome chapter! The part where Rukia talks about having her brother as an example for romance was so epic, I swear I never thought about it that way! I also like the way you kept their relationship true to the manga, mainly showing that although they like each other they still tease one another so as to not make it so mushy.
1/24/2012 c8 hollownature
good, he has learned that you always agree with the woman in your life. nice chapter i enjoyed reading it although i am curious as to whether or not you are going to continue this story ( as her birthday appears to be over) or if you are going to be starting something new. either way i look forward to your next piece of work. also congrats, i just realized today that you are the only author i regularly review for. :) (its cause your skilled)
1/24/2012 c8 14shuckedupple
I loved this chapter!

I enjoyed the lead-up to the confession very enjoyable, too^^

My one issue is, and it doesn't /really/ matter, and I know most people would present her as such, but Rukia cannot be 150 years old.

Even by going with the time periods specified, it's unlikely she's even older than 100...

But, no matter, it's still an awesome conclusion(?).
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