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8/27/2012 c1 Guest
So adorable, i can't even say how cute! Fu is soft because no one can resist the LingxLan Fan cuteness.
8/14/2012 c1 3Carry-On-My-Wayward-Angel
I have only four syllables...A-DOR-A-BLE! :)
6/2/2012 c1 55ClosetFMAfan
Awwwww! This IS adorable! I love it! I like how Lan Fan was scared that Fu had seen her like this only to not care and fall asleep anyways while Fu had fallen asleep on duty and then come in and see them. :D Good job!
3/1/2012 c1 i-Spit-on-Fire
Their relationship is so hopeless and heartbreaking but so beautiful and you I believe have captured it perfectly.
2/20/2012 c1 BovineDevine
OMG! This is absolutely Adorable! It makes me want to cry that their love is forbidden, T_T But that's what makes it so cute! And why they are my fave fma couple! ^_^ please, WRITE MORE! Pretty please! 3
2/19/2012 c1 1JamIsMyCupOfTea
So Fluffy! :3
1/31/2012 c1 InuNaruPokeAlchemist
That was adorable :3
1/12/2012 c1 23dejiko001




1/12/2012 c1 Ran-fan
Awww that was so cute! ^.^ Now I wanna right more Linfan. I agree there isn't enough Linfan on Fanfiction

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