Just In
for Lucy

8/12/2019 c1 Guest
um i honestly don’t understand why she died so early ? she met natsu on july 2,784 so why did she die so early ?
6/11/2016 c1 Guest
OMFG you're Lucy song fiction is so much better than mine! Amazing!
11/19/2014 c1 1Kisa7221
Omg I'm *sob* crying *cough* my eyes out for *cry* real (T T) (;_;) (T_T) ;_; D;
8/25/2014 c1 Shirakawa Yuri
Aww, it' s so sad yet beautiful.
Thanks for the info though
8/14/2014 c1 6anigasm
... ... *sobs* It was so beautiful yet so sad *cries*
1/29/2014 c1 7eliamarie101
SO I two teardrops fell down my face...ummm but I have a question...if its alright with you...i was wondering...if possibly...maybe...i could...just maybe...if you say its okay...i wanted to know ifff...i could...continue the story? I would give you credit of course (that would be [whatever it's called] if I didn't so could I continue the story? maybe? Please? yeah so just wondering(: it's totally fine if I can't. I would totally understand
1/6/2014 c1 FutureMage
*no words* To good to express in words. But I am expressing it in tears. So good I'm bawling my eyes out.
11/14/2013 c1 nalufangurl
This is beautiful...I loved it!
9/25/2013 c1 zombiekins5948
Beautiful. Please make more
4/22/2013 c1 9Sen'ninriki
I was listening to Mat Kearney's Sooner or Later when I came across this book, when I read it with the joint effect of that song I cried so hard.
1/10/2013 c1 2chaoticviolin
Really great story. So sad, but I think that you got the characters right and how they would act. GAH the ending, I thought it meant she was still alive, but alas...Anyway, good job. Keep writing!
6/29/2012 c1 16Calm-Waters
That was really sad bit cute at the same time! DDDD:
4/10/2012 c1 30tragicjpg
This deserves much more reviews! I fallen in love with this story...
3/26/2012 c1 Lunius

I listened to this song yesterday, when the whole thing was still fresh in my mind. It was while I was headed out to the park, immediately after I knew for sure Sunbean was gone.

And you know, that's the other thing. Shadow of Eckhart brought it up, and we all feel this guilt... this idea that we could have helped Less and that maybe the whole thing was our fault.

Heh... we all can't wait to see her in heaven...

Sure, the song is used a lot, but it never loses its power.

3/25/2012 c1 NaLu Shipper
The story behind the song is so sad... and I guess Lucy really did die... TT_TT
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