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for someone to save me!

1/27/2021 c1 1Candylover778
Awww! Its so cute!(When Bella imprinted on Paul!)
Doucheward deserved it!
8/22/2015 c1 rochelleross11
wow that about a lot surprises I am glad Bella did not marry Edward. ...
2/19/2015 c1 Lady Sohma
this story was amazing. I would have even liked to seen it as a chapter story.
7/27/2014 c1 Babysis64
this was a good on shot story I enjoyed reading it. Thank you for sharing with us. Glad that the pack saved Bella.
5/16/2014 c1 Guest
I liked it and would love to read more one day
7/20/2013 c1 2Scorpions 4
5/23/2013 c1 babygirl2928259
love it
12/8/2012 c1 Guest
short but good. :)
6/8/2012 c1 paulswolfgirl2355
Love it.
5/8/2012 c1 2XxmsxMichellexangstxX
Can't wait for the next update
4/8/2012 c1 9wendy1969
wonderful o/s. thank you
2/19/2012 c1 tinkerbear10
I love it alot alot alot!
1/27/2012 c1 Robin.D
that was good i liked it :):):D:D
1/25/2012 c1 11juxtaposed92
Okay well a few things need explaining such as how Bella found out they were cheating but yet none of the cullens knew including Jasper who can feel their emotions, how Alice doesn't know she knows since surely she would have seen how Bella found out, how the Cullens or even Charlie didn't know that Edward was hitting Bella and how Charlie phased and Bella suddenly phased since surely it would have been triggered when they met.

Other then that it was alright.
1/24/2012 c1 47rororogers
ummm yeah ok. Interesting, but you should probably look into a beta reader, lots of mistakes.
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