Just In
for Behind The Shadows

7/13/2017 c1 HpPjoLover28
Plz continue this story..
12/7/2016 c7 09081985
Why is the status complete? Is this abandoned? If's a shame! Good story
11/16/2015 c7 addictedlilcoo
Kwl, love the plot of this fanfic
6/18/2013 c7 nishtha
Absolutely fantastic! great characterization... I loved it!
6/17/2013 c7 Mia
Good work.
6/18/2013 c7 BelleOfEast
I just wanted to say that I loved this chapter. It was really interesting. My personal favourite ship is James & Casie, they remind me so much of James & Lily.
About the announcement , maybe something about a ball? Really curious to read more.
Post more!
6/4/2013 c6 Liza R
This story appears to be different and nice. Do update soon.
6/1/2013 c6 BelleOfEast
Wow! What a wonderful story. Please write more !
5/23/2013 c6 Guest
you seem to have such a knack for the characters and their feelings that everything you put together just works so well. you hav me gripped !
need more updates !
5/23/2013 c6 anji
this is another one of your best stories, i only wish it was in paperback form so i can read it whenever i get the chance (other than waiting for updates)
5/23/2013 c5 Guest
Looks to be quite the story, given the exciting beginning! :)
5/23/2013 c3 nisthbella
You should be an author!
You write so amazingly and you go into so much detail, I thought I was actually reading one of the Harry Potters!
Congratulations on another amazing story!
and plzzzz do post the next chapter ASAP...
5/23/2013 c6 nisthbella
a very well paced chapter...
5/23/2013 c5 nisthbella
harmione's expressions were amazing !
5/19/2013 c6 Pink candy
This is sooo interesting. I am really curious to know what happens next.
Update already!
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