Just In
for New Directions: The Perfect Getaway

8/2/2012 c13 Fabrevans-Freak
8/1/2012 c13 4Fenrir Glacies
You're story's really good! Please continue! You can't leave them at that! D:
7/30/2012 c13 7Jamber111
Please keep updating! :)
7/30/2012 c13 Guest
Write more!
7/30/2012 c13 1GleeTVDFan
You should definitely finish this story! It was heading in a good direction!
I say you should finish it. :)
7/30/2012 c13 RAGML
Please don't stop! Please continue this!
7/30/2012 c13 RJRRAA
Yes I want you to continue with this story! Please!
7/30/2012 c13 Written-in-hearts
It's okay! I understand...sometimes things get in the way and you just can't do it. I've been there. YES I want more. I still want this story to continue if you guys are ready to keep writing. c:
7/30/2012 c13 K
Yes yes yes. Please continue on with this story!
7/30/2012 c13 xvzgirl
please continue
7/30/2012 c13 Miss-A-2000
Update I need to know what happens. I'm a new member but I read this story before I had account. So...yeah update!
7/30/2012 c13 8fabrevansgleek
You should definitely continue
7/30/2012 c13 1rachybabe24
Please continue I want to find out what goodbye Sam meant and also if Rachel said yes to Finns poposal
5/23/2012 c12 xvzgirl
great story please update soon
3/29/2012 c12 Kitty
Good Bye Sam? what! Aaahhh nooo i need to know what happens aahh :D please update soon :D
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