Just In
for Till we fall in love

7/10/2016 c5 Lauren00
another chapter? btw I lOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE this story!
7/28/2015 c5 Guest
I think we need an update! 3
5/24/2015 c5 12J.HunterFiction
I've been reading but didn't get around reviewing until now, but the story is really good and for some reason I especially like this chapter :D And really can't wait to read the next since the sharing room sounds awesome ;)
5/12/2015 c4 J.HunterFiction
I really like how you describe both the action and the sweet moments, go on with the story
5/1/2015 c1 Yin
Penis. It needs more penis.
9/19/2013 c2 Player Zero
Sweet story! Can't wait to read more
7/17/2013 c1 6Acinorev17
Please continue this loving it so far
7/2/2012 c1 1IronicallyNormal
Cool, Storm and Hank. I hope you continue writing soon. :)
3/8/2012 c1 9Leech101
Wow, this is really well written.

You have the characters spot on, please continue!
1/30/2012 c1 24TheEmberRaven
'You scared the blue off my back', lol that was so funny.

Overall, liked the first chapter. Well written. Can't wait for some more!

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