Just In
for Promises Kept

2/7/2012 c2 ErynGrace
Love this.
2/6/2012 c1 iluvfangs
Oh man,I need to,know what happens!
2/4/2012 c1 304FaithinBones
Wow. I'm interested. Looking forward to your next chapter.
2/3/2012 c1 2bonesluver25
Wow - this is an excellent start. I can't wait to read what happens next. I hope they find Booth without his cover being compromised. I hope Brennan doesn't lose the baby. Please post soon.
2/3/2012 c1 12Bannanerz
2/3/2012 c1 bonesgate
You definitely have captured my interest ! Great job and looking forward to reading more!
2/3/2012 c1 1JayBee188
Uh oh... Please don't make Brennan lose the baby. :[
2/3/2012 c1 Nyssasam
I am always interested in speculating on what we missed between the seasons. Great plot idea, very interested to see where you take this. Very good chapter length as well. Well developed yet not too long! And of course I am waiting on a little ledge to see what happens next.
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