Just In
for Adventures of Jaine Ugiasi

12/2/2017 c6 1KielTheJolteon
Burnt stew
4/14/2009 c2 kirby
this is a nice story i sense a little intrest from jan towards rex
11/22/2008 c5 5Teraunce
That preview to a non-existant story was nice. I would also like to see this story updated. this story deserves a 15/10.
3/4/2004 c5 3Corinth The Chronicler
Ah... another good chapter presented by the great sandact6. Great job.
9/29/2003 c5 OmegaMewtwo
Great story. I also liked your Were-Pokeism story. I hope to see some more of these.
5/25/2003 c4 Lisa Mathews
It was like soo cool. Please write more chapters.
3/18/2003 c5 8ArcticVaporeon
Very nice, the characters are developing nicely. Keep going! You've got us interested ^_^
3/14/2003 c5 4Scream4me
This is such a cool story. Its a really original concept. You're so on my fav stories list! You have a great way of discribing stuff. Thanx for reviewing my fanfic. I'll keep writing ^-^
3/14/2003 c5 Kaze-21
Fuck, that's all
2/22/2003 c4 Kaze-21
i like this story VERY MUCH, as i am a big fan of anthro-morphs[aka-hybrids], as for the plot[so bust me, i wanna have one of those cool guest appearances sometime, and this is my first chance]i think it is very good, try to make more of these chapters, they are so incredabily cool, i mean, just think about lugia v.s. houndoom anthro, imagine all of those little kwabam! pieces, that is just plain electrifiyn', hope that you will continue soon, lets just all cross our fingers for you!hope you won't forget all the people that reviewed this damn-good story, and hope thier fingers are still on there hands for writing as much nonsense as possible, because, well.THE CONTEST IS INSANELY HARD TO WIN WHEN YOU HAVE TO BEAT A REVIEW THAT"D BEAT A NORMAL CHAPTER OF A STORY?HOW?HOW I ASK YOU?

*calms down*but, trust me, i will beat that guy's review, i must, if i cant, then, god curse me!

i didnt notice many grammar mistakes, too, so don't worry about that, everybody gets those at times, b.t.w., wich country are you from?i'm dutch, although i'd rather be american, i'd get all those games so much earlier, it's just not fair, don't you think?

still reading?ok, lets see how much space this will take up:

Official Review:

Plot: 10/10

Grammar/spelling: 8/10

Fun: 10/10 [Hey, i laughed my brain half out!]

Originality: 8/10 [Been done before, by you]

Overall: 9/10

did that do it?*checks words of both reviews, oh, no problem, i'll just ramble some more about how good this story is, k?

*gets a few looks*aw, pweez?pweezie?pwezie?

*gets slapped a billion times*

oh, but i wanted to be the winner of the most fun prize i ever had!

maybe you can use 2 characters in the next one?
1/5/2003 c1 Gog 4
Beautifully written. Stunning. Please, do continue. ^_^
9/13/2002 c4 Ken
(whistles impressively) good plot ya got goin there. I havent seen a fic this good in a long time. I have an idea you can add on to the fic:Try adding another transformable Legendarys,preferably Mewtwo,Celebi or Suicune.

They could be new to the group or be one of the people Jan is traveling with.
9/2/2002 c4 8ArcticVaporeon
I. Am. Stunned. I just told another guy about this story and both of us are inspired. It's killing me right now. It's 115 AM in the morning, and I have a severe need to pick up the pen and fly, but alas, school beckons. Thank you for your effort, and your dedication. It is not often that a story does this to me. This is the first occurence in almost 6 months. To see such a power being contained in such a small and innocent shell, to know love and trust, fear and despair. You've created a beautiful image here, and I love it. I'll definitely be watching this, please, if just for my sake and for hers, go on.

Never let the story end

Let it fly on a sacred wind

and in those words of love and hope

perhaps you'll find your journey's end.
8/12/2002 c3 3UmbreonMessiah
Hey Sandact, not half bad. I've been coming for days, and so far, have come up with not one single admirable fic in this area. I believe the idea of hiding Lugia inside the body of a young girl is a bit contradicting to the Pokemon movies, but when you consider how every character seems to forget that the movies ever happened...well, I'm straying here.

If I'm gonna have to start somewhere, it's gonna be at the end, where you put the lyrics to "Live and Learn". For starters, Sonic Adventure 2 was an awesome game (just recently got 84 Emblems). Second of all, that song is amazing as well. But more than that, I believe it relates a lot to the story. At least, a lot more than a song from Weird Al (that's completely unrelated of course, but anything goes, right? At least it's better than talking about cheese!). If you think about it, the song is about learning from the past, yet at the same time not hanging onto it, because if you do, you might not make it to tomorrow. How does that relate?...I'll let you figure it out.

Second of all, again, I'm gonna have to say something about Jaine being Lugia. Personally, I think we all know that Lugia's a guy, but what the hell? Whatever makes you happy. When I first played Pokemon in 1998, I thought Mewtwo was a gal. Guess that was my mistake, eh? At least this is better than your story about Emerald, eh? On a completely, unrelated note, did you know that Pokemon versions Ruby and Sapphire will be coming out next March? I bet that'll be fun! Now if only I can work up the guts to go buy it. Hey, I can always make up the excuse that I'm getting it for my little bro's birthday, eh? (Even though he'll be 15 and about 5 inches taller than me...) Whoops, I strayed again...

Now, about the whole Jaine/Lugia thing. I think it's cool. Um...Rex seems to be one of those Ash clones, though I could be mistaken. It isn't possible for there to be two people that thickheaded and naive...I think it's better than having Jaine hide her identity forever, but I just hope it doesn't go too far. And please god Sandact, save me the torture, and DO NOT write a lemon in this fic at all. A kiss is good enough, but don't succumb to those hentais (points several fingers at certain other reviewees).

Now, I haven't really read the rest of the fic, but from what I've seen, it has promise. Using Team Rocket sounds good, as long as you don't include Jessie, James and Meowth. If they turn out smart, go ahead, but I'm sick of the bad rap Team Rocket gets. In their first two episodes, they were cool. Especially with James and that rose of his...but after that second appearance, they got stupid...I hate that. Team Rocket is supposed to be villainous, not goofy. But anywho...I think that whole "Team Rocket after rare Pokemon" has been overused. We know Giovanni's been after Mewtwo FOREVER, and God knows what else he wants. I still don't believe Giovanni is Ash's father, but people keep saying he is. I've yet to see the episode to prove it, and I doubt I ever will, since I stopped watching the show ages ago. It, too, used to be cool, but alas, no more.

Okay, now that I've run out of things to write, I'm just gonna start shooting the breeze. Did you hear the next Golden Sun is coming out in November? God, I can't wait. You should really get a Gameboy Advance, and buy some of those games, you know? I'm sick of talking to you and you having no clue what I'm talking about. But hey, that isn't new anymore, is it? Hey, how about Lord of the Rings? You got that yet? It was an amazing movie, wasn't it? It's even better on DVD, even though I asked the moron for Full Screen, he gave me widescreen. Austin Powers 3 was HI-LARIOUS! (That's pronounced High-Larious, for those of you who don't know me!) And, of course, I saw the promo for the next Bond movie. God, that looks sweet...but not as sweet as Beyonce Knowles (spelling?). Yeah, you know what I'm talking about...or do you? Too much into that hentai are we?...I'll shut up now.

I'm sure you've heard of the progress of my "MOVIE". Yeah, well it's not getting much progress since I went up to the cottage, but I hope to get to the next checkpoint before summer's over. And I also hope to finish my RPG's demo before summer finishes as well. Ah well, I can't wait till I release the next version. I'm sick and tired of having no reviews on my movies whatsoever. SOMEONE READ THEM DAMMNIT! ...okay, whatever.

On a lighter note...I FOUND SERENA! That's right Ryan, she's BAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! one heard that...

Um...okay, i'm running out of stuff to talk about...damnit, I need to talk to you in person. I'm only writing this review in hopes that I'll win the contest, what with the way has been acting up these last few months, but I doubt I'll get it. Oh well, there go my dreams...I just realized that I don't pop up in my friends fics as much as I'd like. I think I'll add Silver Warrior somehow to LID, and maybe you, if I can fit you...but I think i'm gonna have to add someone else first...God, that idea will be HI-LARIOUS! Have I made more than a page yet? Darnit, I can't tell. Stupid'm starting to get so bored with my life, I'm starting to think up random lemon plots for shows and things I would normally never think of. My God, it's starting to disturb me...HELP ME GOD PLEASE RYAN! SAAAAAVE ME!

You think several ellipses will count as more than a page? LEt's see!


You've got to save me Ryan! I can't get these lemon plots out of my head. Dear god, I'm glad I'm coming back home today...oh, and you really shouldn't have gone to summer school. Now we have no time to talk. And no offense or anything, but your sister is beginning to hunt me down. Ryan, I need some sorta protection here. I can't always rely on the stars and whatnot. I'm not really as powerful as I want everyone to believe...


That's it, I can't take it anymore. Good bye, that's it, I can't write another thing. It's over, I'm going to have some fun. If you don't like it, too bad. I better have won the contest, or so help me god, I fix that curse on you to make something other than a female Pikachu. Trust me, I'll do it! You did it to me! I'LL GET YOU!

Okay, goodbye, I'm gone. See you! Have fun! I'm looking forward to talking to you!
8/9/2002 c1 3Corinth The Chronicler
Interesting chapter... so interesting, I must be jumping around grinning, but that's mostly because I FINISHED LEGENDS OF THE FIERY POKEMON! WAHAHAHAEEE!

Anyway... I'll read through the rest of the chapter... *smiling widely*
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