Just In
for Sacrificial Second Chance

5/4/2015 c8 4saashi samy
i dont like cho chan
5/1/2015 c20 Guest
Wow awesome tie in and not a bad way to off godly help lol
4/18/2015 c25 13Have a Little Feith
The hell, man? Just leave us high and dry for almost two years, why don't you?

Seriously, though, please continue this soon.
3/23/2015 c25 Ug the Unreliable
Have really enjoyed reading your take on the 'go back in time and re-do' of HP, is a very pleasant change in tack to many I have seen and read.
At times he comes across as somewhat precocious, but then when he is effectively a 17/18 year old in an 11 year olds body it is to be expected with the 'life experiences' he has already gone through.
Looking forward to your update of this story (ever hopeful - is such a shame when a story like this gets forgotten - or real life gets too much in the way of them being completed).

Here's to hoping you do continue with this most excellent story.
3/21/2015 c25 wolfgang108
Like the scene with Alice; is she going to explain things to Harry or will he figure it out on his own? Hopefully Hogsmead's firefighters are more than just a magical bucket brigade. It has been two years since the posting of this, the most recent chapter; a life time in fanfiction, but not as long as some hiatus' have been. Hopefully there is more to be had as the other versions of this posted by others lack some thing. Thanks for sharing.
3/13/2015 c3 Guest
I don't know about you, but I'd definitely go for superman's powers, given he's OP as fuck to the power of infinity. Some stats: he can fly at roughly 9 times the speed of light, punch with the force of 24 septillion Tsar Bombs, and survive any force known in the universe.
3/10/2015 c25 1csouthcbs0099
holy shit that is the most cruel cliffy ever. i cant wait for more. i love this stry thankyou so much for writing this
3/1/2015 c25 Tarix
A nice story so far, Karma was too deus ex machina, good that you wrote him out of the story. Characters are nice, i found your interpretation of Daphne's character rather original. It would be rather interesting to see how you will make the harem work with all the possessive girls.
2/28/2015 c25 powermachine79
great story looking forward to reading more
2/18/2015 c25 3Silvanatri
please update!
2/16/2015 c25 saint21
Can't wait to read the next chapter. Are you gonna have Harry accept the trip to Japan to do a time skip or something? Daphne is one of my favorite caracter in this story btw
2/16/2015 c25 kumar
what a desulting story. Alot of ideas all over the place
2/12/2015 c25 2Antor2001
I can stand a cliffhanger, I can hope for updates after almost 2 years, but reading right after a cliffhanger "From here on out in the story things are going to be moving fast" is just brutal. It kills me to not know what could have been :(
2/8/2015 c25 Niet boeiend
I starter reading the story cause a friend recommended it. Now I could care less about the harem and I don't really like the incest but apart from that I absolutely love the story it's a shame you abandoned it for now but I really hope that you'll get back to it soon.
2/4/2015 c14 Lady Loki of Asgard
Can the head girl be one of his future wives?
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