Just In
for Sacrificial Second Chance

2/4/2015 c25 Lady Loki of Asgard
Can you please write more? I love the story and your too slow lol.
1/29/2015 c1 Guest
Update please!
1/28/2015 c25 Blood Wine and Song
As much as the story is slow progressing I came to enjoy quite a lot by the end of this chapter. Its very AU and thats why I like it, besides being well written of course.

Hopefully you will come back to finish it. its very disappointing that not only you havent updated in a long time but you didnt specify the reason.

1/26/2015 c7 Blood Wine and Song
"Those of you who want to see Hermione and Fleur dont worry, they have nice pairing's in the future."

Not that I wanted them paired with Harry, not Hermione at least. But that got to be the stupidest statement I have read this year.

The story has good potential, you dont see dimension hopping in HP fanficion that much. So far the execution is less then I thought it would be.

Still reading.
1/23/2015 c25 aldhie.javanizer
Waiting for another chapter...
1/18/2015 c25 Anonymously me
As someone who has just found this story and finished reading what has been posted here on this site I'm curiouse as to why the author has seemingly abandond it as it is a remarkable work of fiction and I encourage the author to continue.

If it is Bering continued on a different site I would love to know where the rest is posted as I feel an overwhelming need to read more.
1/18/2015 c1 19Smiling Seshat
I think you should go back to the first chapters of your story and edit them. There are quite a few mistakes you should take care of, especially punctuation.
1/17/2015 c12 dafaq
So let me get this straight... An 18 year old harry in an 11 year old body finds his 10 year old sister attractive... What... I'm fine with a bit of wincest every now and then but this is pedophilia. Disgusting, I suggest you re write this.
1/12/2015 c25 5NeoKazuya
Well, since you said that we should send you our support, I'm just going to say that this is an AWESOME story and I'm looking forward to the next chapter... This is the fourth time I've re-read this story!

On a separate note, I really hope it's not abandoned... This is one of my favorites, and that's saying a lot since I've read almost every big harry potter fanfiction story...
1/10/2015 c25 Nerfhearder69
It's been close to 2 years now. Do you plan on updating or should I try to forget this one. It seems a shame to let it die, especially as you dicked us with a cliffy...
1/2/2015 c25 1CleanMurda-2012
so i guess you saying you were back in the beginning of LAST year was a lie... it sucks that you are such a talented writer, because if you weren't people would not of gotten their hopes up when you came back only for you to leave again . im just gonna give up on this story ,and your others , knowing this will almost certainly never get a chapter 26 or be finished.
12/31/2014 c24 2pfeil
You should definitely write what your muse likes, regardless of polls.

That said, I hope that the Harry/Iris plot advances quickly...
12/30/2014 c8 pfeil
I guess with this Harry being such of an asshole before, the usual "grew up with him" mental conditioning wouldn't apply...
12/22/2014 c9 writer
i retract my previous comment.
12/22/2014 c8 writer
...the fact that no one is suspicious of the ease and skill that harry uses when casting even just first year spells reflects poorly on the intelligence of your characters.
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