Just In
for Sacrificial Second Chance

12/22/2014 c7 gabeclone
12/21/2014 c25 Panda22
I don't know if I hate you or love you, but I do know that I hate how you left this chapter off. But I love the story and can't wait for the update. I personally think Harry should accept the Unspeakables offer, but that is your choice.
12/18/2014 c15 Blitzstrahl
lol gay snape
12/17/2014 c2 Blitzstrahl
read this once, spent a couple years causally looking for it, I could not remember the title lol.
12/17/2014 c25 9JesterDGrowlithe
a very good story and yes you are an asshole for making this epic cliffhanger
12/14/2014 c25 person
So in hopes that it will motivate myself I posted a cliffy.

12/11/2014 c11 Guest
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12/10/2014 c25 Guest
Please continue
12/4/2014 c25 Hacim
I sincerely hope that you are alive but over a year with no update come on man
12/3/2014 c25 ziw
can you please update this is a great story
11/26/2014 c25 Anonymous
Great story keep Wrighting
10/28/2014 c25 acrimony1029341
This is probably the most alluring story on this site. Please keep up the good work and update soon!
10/27/2014 c25 1R.E.P. Tyle
More. Update please.
10/24/2014 c25 ECTO-DMC
Damn real good story so far ,great story line and an interesting take on a soul swap. Hope to see this continue in the near future because if this where you leave it well then to the hot place yo u must go lol... keep it going please and we will keep reading and reviewing sincerely
10/24/2014 c4 Marvinen
Nifty concept and fine writing, though rife with typos. Get a beta!
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