Just In
for Sacrificial Second Chance

10/8/2014 c25 Guest
Wish that this story was updated
9/14/2014 c25 Cerberusz
I like this story, pls updata ASAP. THx :)
9/7/2014 c23 2moosejuice5
I'v loved this story so far and I have to say your horrible for leaving it here, the new plots you introduced in these last few chapters sound really interesting and I very much want to read them and it feels like your taunting me. This story (so far) is amazingly well written i love how you've written your characters, one of my favourites being daphne, and the plot is great. my one criticism would be how you've said harry's bad at fighting, well i relies that his skill level would be quite low compared to the trained death eaters and others you've also said many times that he is VERY powerful, surly this amount of power would allow him to dominate anybody even close to his skill level. all in all amazing fic, i very much hope you update this it would be a shame for such a good story to be abandoned.
8/30/2014 c11 6Shad0wReaper133
This chapter was beta'd? Whoever beta'd this chapter and some of the others obviously didn't do their job properly. Dozens of spelling and grammar mistakes.
8/24/2014 c25 Bell Nox
Heres my support, take All of it, just please god update soon.
8/23/2014 c25 Guest
You posted something in April, yet you still don't update this... I think I hate you almost as much as I hate the people that don't make more Spice and Wolf... your an ass, update
8/15/2014 c25 Person
I still after a year check in biweekly to see if it has been updated. It hasnt.

I dont even want more then one chapter. I want just one more JUST ONE MORE so it ends on a more... Open note.

How would you like it if your favorite book ended- lets say harry potter and the goblet of fire.

How would you like it if it ended when voldemort said- KILL THE SPARE!

And then thats the last line. And then JK rowling said shes not going to continue writing harry potter and goe and with Eion colfer makes more artemis fowl books (ahem he should)

Huh? HOW WOULD YOU LIKE THAT. HOW WOULD ANYONE LIKE THAT? That is what ou did when you left us an started writing the other storys.

Yes i will still read them. But i became your follower with THIS ONE hell MANY OF US became your follower WITH THIS ONE. You at least owe us a better ending then just this one. I mean :/ common.

Anyway. Im getting shiped to boot camp in a month and i will be without the internet for a good 8-9 weeks.

Just give my review some thought :/

ill be back

8/13/2014 c3 Lord Asmodeus
Idiotic. I would have much preferred for Harry to turn into Voldemort. Why is Harry so emotional? It's disgusting and pitiful. Morality seems to have hit him a little too hard. There are no innocent humans, so you can't exactly kill innocents. Why did Karma intervene anyway? How is a Buddhist principle even a God? How much Deux Ex Machina's do you imbeciles need?
8/8/2014 c25 Korky132
I know it's been over a year but I really do hope you continue writing this story.
8/6/2014 c25 wesker101
jaime bien ta fic jai hate de lire les prochain chapitre.
8/4/2014 c25 Pokemark17
Really a chliffhanger then no update for ages
8/3/2014 c8 1H-hr-unite
You know Thetis is the first time I think that a author fully disappointed me as a reader. As I quote if I can do ant first year spell. Then the author dicided to fo the first spell of the first lass that they had. I think that they as an author needs to do more research.
8/1/2014 c25 30Vance McGill
Please continue this story. I love it. I love the (forbidden) relationship between Harry and Iris.
7/27/2014 c25 1Advanced-ZeroX
cant wait for more
7/22/2014 c5 10rigami
Sigh... with 25 chapters out i am way too late but still, why, oh why is harry so lame? This is something that i found in fics all the time... probably because most of them are written by teenagers. The alternatives are not only being all emo and ragefull and psycho or being a '60 hippy that speak only of peace and love and gets emotional at the slightest event -.- You want, unsurprisingly, Harry to be "better" than the other one and go along with his family? Sure, great, i approve. But there is no need for him to go around spouting "sorry" here and "i love you" there. That is sit-com material, and i mean a BAD sitcom, especially considering he is of age and just coming down from an exhausting war. Give him a bit of dignity, i beg you ( Wouldnt have it been that bad to just let him slowly show he is different by not antagonizing anyone, and quietly helping when needed? Which would have had the nice bonus of just appearing as if he was a child growing up, instead of being the completely different person that he is. More beliveable both in story and in the reader's eyes. And dont let me even start on Karma itself completely humanized... "call me Kar". Bah. I saw this kind of writing before and usually i stop reading the fic once in story, 2-3 days after the switch, everyone just starts spouting again and again on how changed and better and marvelous harry is. I fear what i will find in the coming chapters...
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